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School Design and Development

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Codes. Good Shepherd Services - GSS Model. A Model That Works Good Shepherd’s two transfer schools provide a full-day, year-round academic program for students who have been truant or have dropped out of school following initial enrollment in 9th grade in a high school. Our schools are designed to both help students meet their unique academic requirements and to be flexible enough to be continually responsive to their varying needs. Good Shepherd’s school model is organized around five core principles and five essential components. Together these ten key elements inform our schools’ philosophy, policies, and practice.

They are deliberately integrated into all aspects of our transfer schools -- from meeting structures and classroom routines to the ongoing interactions between the staff and students -- and are intrinsic to fostering success. Core Principles High Expectations We believe that each student can and will achieve at high levels, regardless of past performance. An Active and Rigorous Learning Environment Building Community. West Brooklyn Community High School. West Brooklyn History and Vision An interview with West Brooklyn's founding principal, Liliana Polo. (May 2011) Liliana PoloFounding Principal What year did West Brooklyn open? The idea to open West Brooklyn was born in September 2005. Were you always a principal? When I started teaching I learned very quickly that there was an expectation that certain students wouldn't make it.

In terms of the vision for the school, we recognized the difference is in the supports schools need to provide. How did you feel the first day of school? I was somewhere between absolutely terrified and incredibly excited. What were some of the difficulties you faced the first year? Initially, there were concerns about a transfer school coming into this neighborhood. How would you describe the partnership btw DOE and Good Shepard Services? I am often asked this question and my answer is always the same: West Brooklyn would not exist the way it does without Good Shepherd.

Where do see WBCHS in the next 5 years? Support Services « East Harlem Scholars. Support Services We hold our students to very high standards of academic excellence. Recognizing that each child comes from diverse backgrounds with different learning needs, we provide a wide range of services to ensure that all students are equipped to excel. Our full-time reading specialist and ELL specialist assist learners with literacy and reading comprehension, drawing upon their rich backgrounds in early childhood literacy to help students acquire language and master decoding.

Students and their families also have access to our resident social worker, speech and occupational therapists and other services. What is Special Education? Possible Program Options • 504 plan (modifications and accommodations) • General education with related services (e.g., speech, OT, PT and counseling) • Collaborative team teaching (General education and special education teachers in one room)

The East Harlem School - Sussex Creativity Zone | InQbate: Beyond the Walls. Fully technology-enabled, but not technology-driven, the Sussex creativity zone provided teaching staff with personal, pedagogic and technical support, along with resources that could be used in a variety of configurations. It was hoped that this would support more innovative and effective teaching and learning – in both the InQbate creativity zone itself as well as other teaching spaces on campus.

Our two key remits were to support both the teaching of creativity and creative approaches to teaching and learning. While use of the zone for teaching purposes took priority over all other uses, the zone supported a wide variety of extra-mural activities. In the Sussex creativity zone tutors were encouraged to come and see the zone in action before teaching in there – in order to experience and develop ideas for using the zone.

Using the Sussex Creativity Zone The Creativity Zone was not a “bookable room” in the same way as other rooms on campus. Accessibility Issues. Designing Classroom Spaces to Promote Active Teaching and Student Learning — Center for Teaching Innovation and Excellence. [NOTE: This is the first of a series of suggestions for making modest changes to the College in order to strengthen student learning] Whether stated or implied, a tight link exists between classroom design and learning theory. For planning reasons, we tend to organize our classrooms (leaving labs and studios out of the question for the moment) on the basis of class size.

The largest spaces (King 106 and 306; West Lecture Hall, Craig, Hallock, Severance 108, Warner, etc.) are designed for large numbers of students; the King, Peters, Bibbins, Severance, and Science Center classrooms (e.g. K337) will hold 20-60 students; and the “seminar” rooms around campus are designed for less than 20 students. King 106 Many faculty engage in concerted guerrilla attempts to subvert the design of the classroom to which they are assigned: schlepping chairs from rows to circles; reconfiguring desks; allowing smaller groups to spill out into the hallways to find congenial discussion space. Organizing or Mobilizing. Marty Kearns, our friend at Netcentric Advocacy, tackles an important distinction and invites us to strategize with the difference in mind. I found this this to be an excellent piece for advocates. Organizing and Mobilizing – 2 Distinct Strategies in Your Advocacy Effort. I have been struggling lately to get more clarity on the concepts of organizing and mobilizing.

These are terms of art in my world but often see the concepts mashed together. These terms do not mean the same thing in an advocacy context and BOTH are very important. Problems emerge in conferences and in group conversations when mobilizers and organizers get together and don’t call out important differences in the way they work.

The confusion of these concepts muddles campaign work, online and network building strategy. Organizers… Bring people together, they organize people to address whatever emerges as the people’s priorities. Mobilizers … Work with people in order to focus on a set of steps to get something done. Untitled document. Unusual High School Classes: 8 Awesome Courses From Schools Across The Country. There's nothing worse than spending your symmer dreading an upcoming year of Physics and American History. But classes don't always have to be a drag, and forward-thinking schools across the country are getting creative with their course offerings to keep students engaged.

Would you be interested in taking a class assisted by video games, or one that analyzes and critiques comic books? What about a class designed to help you break into the fashion industry, or a course that brings history to life by reenacting battles in the classroom? (We know we'd sign up for "Art of the Graphic Novel"!) We rounded up seven high schools across the country with course offerings designed to pique your interest. What class do you wish your high school offered? ProGrowing - home.

Cure for the Common Core: Transitions - Amherst, NY. So what’s your plan? What are you doing to start your Common Core transition? This is a followup to my previous Blog Post called Common CoreZilla: Shrink The Change In my work with districts on Common Core integration and implementation, many want to know what they can do right now. Many changes and opportunities for growth are coming, but to look at it as a complete package is very overwhelming. The main message is still the same as the last blog post: First step? You cannot expect your transition plan to be that tomorrow you will be on board with all of the coming changes. Those pieces include the following, which I think are imperative to bringing everyone on board in a manageable way: Establishing Collaborative CulturesCrosswalks/Comparisons - Examination and analysis of the Core StandardsCurriculum Transformations Establish Collaborative Cultures If your schools/districts are made up primarily of those with an “island mentality,” then they need to join the continent.

Shrink the change. to Change - School Coaching for Systemic Reform.pdf. Coaching: The New Leadership Skill:The Year We Learned to Collaborate. October 2011 | Volume 69 | Number 2 Coaching: The New Leadership Skill Pages 54-58 Every school has watershed moments that mark a distinction between past and present practices.

For Colegio Inglés, a private, bilingual preK–9 school outside Monterrey, Mexico, 2008–09 became a watershed school year. That year, teachers and administrators embarked on a collaborative professional development initiative precipitated by a collision of challenges. A Cordial Community Steps Up Our first challenge surfaced in spring 2008. Second, we realized that many of our teachers would soon need help preparing to implement a new math program. As Colegio Inglés administrators, we knew teachers would need more than a one-day workshop to successfully adopt and sustain the student-centered focus this curriculum required. Our professional reading led us to a professional development model produced by the Boston Plan for Excellence (Platt, Tripp, Fraser, Warnock, & Curtis, 2008). Snapshot of Collaborative Coaching. Resources « McTighe & Associates. Schedule Brochure 2009-2010.pdf. How it Works > Comer School Development Program | Child Study Center | Yale School of Medicine.

Like the operating system of a computer that allows the software to do its specialized work, the Comer Process provides the organizational, management and communication framework for planning and managing all the activities of the school based on the developmental needs of its students. When fully implemented, the process brings a positive school and classroom climate, stability, and an instructional focus that supports all of the school's curriculum and renewal efforts. Click English or Spanish for an illustration of the model. Three structures comprise the basic framework on which the Comer Process is built: The School Planning and Management Team develops a Comprehensive School Plan, sets academic, social and community relations goals, and coordinates all school activities, including staff development programs. The School Planning and Management Team (SPMT): The Engine That Drives the School by Miriam McLaughlin, Everol Ennis, and Fred Hernandez (Chapter 3, pp. 25-39)