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El docente innovador y el creativo. Tipología del docente TIC A menudo, consideramos la actitud innovadora y la creativa como una virtud que todo docente debe poseer intrínsecamente para conseguir unos resultados espectaculares en el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Basta con haber pasado por un centro educativo, ya sea como alumno o como profesor para darse cuenta de que no es así. Ni todos los docentes son innovadores, ni todos son creativos. No al menos como lo esperamos. Los docentes, como todos son intrínsecamente innovadores y creativos, pero desarrollamos o enfocamos nuestras capacidades de forma distinta y hacia distintos intereses.

Peer Instruction Blog Peer Instruction Network member and Queens University Professor James M. Fraser has been flipping his undergraduate physics classroom using Peer Instruction for many years. For his “outstanding knowledge, teaching ability and accessibility to students,” Fraser was awarded the 2012 Queens University Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Open-space Learning approaches Open-space Learning (OSL) Open-space Learning, or OSL, is a pedagogic methodology. OSL is an interdisciplinary, or better, a transdisciplinary, pedagogy, that seeks to challenge the lecture and seminar mode that dominates as the teaching orthodoxy in some universities. The pedagogy is dependent on the use of physically 'open' spaces - in the sense that tables and chairs are absent - and an 'open' approach to intellectual content and the role of the tutor.
