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Essays. Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers.

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Harness the Power of Your Daydreams. Far from being a waste of time, as we’re often told, daydreaming can aid creativity and problem-solving and help you realize your potential. When your mind wanders from what you’re doing, take a moment to reflect before forcing yourself to concentrate. It may be that you were working on a difficult decision or situation, getting closer to a good solution. Or you could be imagining a scene in which you’re very relaxed and calm. Although often considered unfocused, daydreams can help us get organized by keeping our life’s agenda at the front of our minds.

They remind us of what’s coming up, help us rehearse new situations, plan the future, and scan past experiences so we can learn from them. By visualizing success, we boost our motivation and confidence. Daydreaming allows the mind to come up with ideas and modify them like a fantastically advanced computer. Tips for successful daydreaming: Don’t try too hard. Walking for Creativity Walking is rarely viewed as an end in itself. Reference.

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