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Social Media and Activisim

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Activism. Social Activism. Careers in Social Activism--An Introduction Social activism is an intentional action with the goal of bringing about social change. If you feel strongly about a cause and are working towards a change, you could be considered an activist. An activist is anyone who is fighting for change in society. An activist can be a student attending a rally against tuition increase, a politician fighting against international human rights abuses or a mother of a child killed by a drunk driver talking to students about drinking and driving. Social activists consider the larger picture – how can they find ways to end injustice and to create strong communities which encourage economic, social and psychological health.

While social services work addresses the needs of individuals, social action looks more at the root causes of those needs and tries to find ways to eliminate them. Career Options in Social Activism There are very few careers that can be specifically defined as “activist” careers. Activism Center - es. Activism Diagram. Social Media Activism. Social media. Why Social Media Is Reinventing Activism. The argument that social media fosters feel-good clicking rather than actual change began long before Malcolm Gladwell brought it up in the New Yorker — long enough to generate its own derogatory term. “Slacktivism,” as defined by Urban Dictionary, is “the act of participating in obviously pointless activities as an expedient alternative to actually expending effort to fix a problem.”

If you only measure donations, social media is no champion. The national chapter of the Red Cross, for instance, has 208,500 “likes” on Facebook, more than 200,000 followers on Twitter, and a thriving blog. But according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, online donations accounted for just 3.6% of private donations made to the organization in 2009. But social good is a movement still in its infancy. All of that virtual liking, following, joining, signing, forwarding, and, yes, clicking, has a lot of potential to grow into big change. The Power of One The Power of 1 Million New Accountability. What is Social Media? What are Social Media Sites? Social media is a phrase being tossed around a lot these days, but it can sometimes be difficult to answer the question of what is social media.

If MySpace is a social media site, and Mag.nolia is a social media site, and Wikipedia is a social media site, then just what is social media? Is it social networking? Is it social bookmarking? Is it wiki? What is Social Media? The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication. In Web 2.0 terms, this would be a website that doesn't just give you information, but interacts with you while giving you that information. Continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Think of regular media as a one-way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter.

A Guide to the Social Web What Are Some Social Media Websites? Social-media-plan.