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Les pratiques transformatives concernent d'abord la culture "propriétaire". Star Wars. About Star Wars is an American space opera film series created by George Lucas.

Star Wars

The first film Star Wars was originally released on May 25th, 1977 and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon. It was followed by two sequels, released at three-year intervals, in 1980 and 1983. Three prequel films were released in 1999, 2002 and 2005 respectively. History The first three Star Wars films take place after the events in the final three Star Wars films, known as the “prequel trilogy.”

Episode I: The Phantom Menace Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace was released in 1999. Episode II: Attack of the Clones Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones was released in 2002 as part two of the prequel trilogy. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released in 2005 and is the third part in the prequel trilogy, but the final film that was released of the saga. Lord Of The Rings. (WiP) About The Lord of the Rings is a film trilogy consisting of three fantasy adventure films based on the three-volume book of the same name by English author J.

Lord Of The Rings

R. R. Matrix Morpheus. About Matrix Morpheus is an advice animal image macro series featuring a screen capture of the fictional character Morpheus (played by Lawrence Fishburne) from The Matrix franchise.

Matrix Morpheus

The captions typically follow a two line format with the first line reading “What if I Told You,” followed by a revelation that often belittles futile or petty behavior, in a similar vein to the advice animal characters Conspiracy Keanu and Sudden Clarity Clarence. Origin While the line “What if I told you” was never heard in any of the Matrix films, it thought to be a paraphrased interpretation of a scene from The Matrix in which Morpheus informs the protagonist Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) that he lives in is a computer simulation (shown below, left). A different screen capture used in many of the image macros comes from a scene in which Morpheus warns Neo about the artificial intelligence programs known as “Agents” (shown below, right). Intérêt des Creative Commons.

Progression de l'adoption. HDR Photography, Travel Photography and Camera Reviews. The White House's Photostream. Cory Doctorow’s » News. Robin Sloan. Featured Superhero: Robin Sloan This year we’re letting some of our exceptional CC Superheroes tell you in their own words why they support Creative Commons and why you should too.

Robin Sloan

The first is Robin Sloan, a writer who works at the intersection of storytelling and technology. Here is his story. Join Robin in supporting Creative Commons with a donation today. “I’m a writer you probably haven’t heard of. Let me bring you up to speed: Just about a year ago, I used a site called Kickstarter to gather a posse of patrons and, in the span of about two months, wrote and published a short novel. After it was finished, I mailed the books off to my backers — about a thousand copies, total — and then put the PDF online, for free, with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license. Often, that’s where this story ends.

To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure by Ryan North. To Be Or Not To Be is an illustrated, chooseable-path book version of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, written by me, Ryan North: "William Shakespeare" you may know from single-handedly giving us some of our most evocative phrases, such as "all that glitters is not gold", "too much of a good thing", and "the game is afoot" (Sherlock Holmes said this too I guess.)

To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure by Ryan North

"Ryan North" you may know from my work on the critically-acclaimed comic Dinosaur Comics, writing the incredibly popular Adventure Time comic book series, or from co-editing the #1 Amazon bestselling short story anthology Machine of Death. Dan Bull & Pirate Bay Attack the Music Charts With "Sharing Is Caring" This week, with support from a Promo Bay campaign on The Pirate Bay, UK rap artist Dan Bull is aiming to send a message to the mainstream entertainment industry.

Dan Bull & Pirate Bay Attack the Music Charts With "Sharing Is Caring"

With the release of a brand new track called "Sharing is Caring", Dan will attempt to break into the UK and international singles charts without the backing of a label and show that with the help of a free Internet and BitTorrent, there is another way. This is a guest article from UK rapper Dan Bull. Yesterday a young lad asked me, “Dan Bull in the charts?

Is this a ‘fuck off’ to the record industry then?” Good question, I thought. When I released my first album “Safe” in 2009, I sent it to record companies and radio stations but they ignored it. In frustration at the glass ceiling that independent artists face, I started to publish protest songs on YouTube. At that point, I realised something; if they didn’t want me, then the feeling was mutual. Nine Inch Nails’ “The Slip” out under a Creative Commons license. Public Enemy choisit BitTorrent pour sa promotion. Moby : après la musique gratuite, la musique open source. Peer-to-peer : la chanson la plus téléchargée de 2013 le fut légalement. Contrairement à ce que certains laissent parfois entendre, peer-to-peer n'est pas forcément synonyme d'illégalité.

Peer-to-peer : la chanson la plus téléchargée de 2013 le fut légalement

C’est d’ailleurs ce qu'a voulu démontrer la BitTorrent Inc., en annonçant hier que les chansons mises gratuitement et légalement à disposition par Moby avaient été téléchargées près de 9 millions de fois en 2013, ce qui surpasserait ainsi les échanges d'oeuvres d’autres artistes. The Cosmonaut. Winners from the Teaser Remix Experience - The Cosmonaut – Blog. The Cosmonaut / Riot Cinema Collective : Free Movies. EXXASENS - Rocket to the sky (OFFICIAL VIDEO) Steal Our Stories - About Us.

Part[im]ages (2012) Part[im]ages, c’était le nom du concours collaboratif organisé dans le cadre du MashUp Film Festival 2012.

Part[im]ages (2012)

Un concours collaboratif ? Mais oui ! Le principe était simple, sur le thème « Et si on s’y mettait enfin ? », chaque participant (petit, grand, professionnel, amateur) pouvait puiser dans un réservoir empli des images et des sons apportés par tous les participants. Par la suite, il en revenait à chacun de couper, redécouper, copier, coller, monter et participer à l’aventure Part[im]ages ! Limites = taux d'adoption. Jeudi dernier, Flickr a annoncé sur son blog la réception de la six milliardième photographie sur le site de partage de photos, un peu plus d'un an après avoir reçu la cinq milliardième en septembre 2010.

Limites = taux d'adoption

Le cliché, qui met en scène une plante Crocoscmia de la famille des Iridaceae, a été prise lundi à l'aide d'un Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 et ajoutée le même jour sur le service d'hébergement.