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Les 5 bonnes raisons d’intégrer Pinterest à votre stratégie social media. A la fois réseau social et outil de curation, Pinterest est la start-up qui monte dans la Silicon Valley. Son principe est simple : vous y créez un tableau sur lequel vous pouvez punaiser les images que vous croisez lors de vos pérégrinations online. Vous pouvez organiser vos découvertes en plusieurs tableaux thématiques, suivre et partager les découvertes des autres membres du site (tout y est public). Ca n’a l’air de rien, mais le site est terriblement addictif et promis à un énorme succès. Pinterest n’est pas encore monétisé et ne propose pas d’outils particuliers pour les annonceurs. 1 – Son succès : Pinterest n’a peut-être “que” trois millions d’utilisateurs actifs selon Facebook, mais leur nombre est en augmentation constante et ils semblent accrocs au site : en octobre selon Comscore, aurait enregistré 421 millions de pages vues, soit 128 par utilisateurs et une progression de 2000% par rapport à juin !

Bundlr vs : duel d’un duo qui démocratise la Curation. Cet article a été publié il y a , il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Signalez-nous toute information qui vous semblerait expirée. Ça ressemble plus ou moins à la tendance de 2011 en matière de diffusion et de consultation des informations sur le web, la a le vent dans le dos. Si « » en anglais est absolument transparent pour la démarche qu’il implique, j’avoue avoir un peu plus de mal avec « » en français, qui ne m’évoque pas grand chose au final… Ceci étant dit, le besoin de rassembler ses sujets et ses articles favoris sur une même page, accessible à tous, quelle qu’en soit l’origine, existe bel et bien.

C’est d’autant plus vrai qu’avec Internet en 2011, le contenu qui porte sur un même sujet devient vite pléthorique (lire l’ article d’hier sur la MAJ Google Panda ) à moins bien sûr que vous vous adonniez à des recherches confidentielles et/ou bizarres comme « « . Voyez la vidéo de démo avant de poursuivre : Getting Started with Bundlr from Bundlr on Vimeo . A New Business Model for Newspapers: From Standard To Curated Topic Subscriptions | Real-Time News Curation |

I’m seeing more Scoopit links in my Twitter stream and I’m not crazy about it. Sure it’s quick and easy to share with Scoopit. But it not quick and easy to consume. For me it's all about the econ... Marty Note (here is comment I wrote on Dr. V's blog) Appreciate Bryan’s and Joseph’s comment, but I rarely use as a pass through. More than 90% of the time I’m adding “rich snippets” to content I Scoop.

Rich snippets are “blog” posts that fall between Twitter and the 500 to 1,000 words I would write in Scenttrail Marketing. I was taught NOT to pass through links on early on by the great curator @Robin Good . Bryan is correct that some curators new to haven’t learned the Robin Good lesson yet. For my part I always identify my links, probably about half the content I Tweet and about a quarter of my G+ shares. When you follow or consistently share content from a great curator on you begin to understand HOW they shape the subjects they curate.

Marty. A new business model for newspapers: forget gadgets - think of articles as apps - EJC - Online Journalism Community. I am tired of same old media headlines each time a new gadget comes out: "Is [insert new gadget] going to save old media/newspapers? " or "Is [insert new gadget] set to become a new business model for old media? ". It should be clear to everyone that no new technology on its own will save the newspapers – what they need instead are smart models of delivery that cater to their customers first, then their shareholders.

In the modern multi-gadget world, I don’t want to get all my news on a single gadget, such as the iPad, or from a single source, like Murdoch’s "tablet newspaper" The Daily. I want to be able read a range of news from a range of sources where and when I want, be it on my laptop, iPad, or in print. It shouldn't be 'either/or' but 'both/and'.

Making newspapers ever cheaper, like the 99-cent-a-week The Daily, also won't save the old media – this model has already played out to its natural conclusion. I don't want to go back to being constrained to one or two newspapers. Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ? Every hour thousands of new videos are uploaded online. Blog posts are written and published. Millions of tweets and other short messages are shared. To say there is a flood of content being created online now seems like a serious understatement. Until now, the interesting thing is that there are relatively few technologies or tools that have been adopted in a widespread way to manage this deluge. The real question is whether solutions like these will be enough. What if you were to ask about the person that makes sense of it all? The name I would give it is Content Curator.

In an attempt to offer more of a vision for someone who might fill this role, here is my crack at a short manifesto for someone who might take on this job: In the near future, experts predict that content on the web will double every 72 hours. After writing this, I can't help but wonder if there might already be people out there with this title.

Interested in hearing more about content curation? The 5 Models Of Content Curation. Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J. Paul Getty) who had a passion for art. Aside from a few well known examples like this one, however, the term curation has rarely been used outside of the world of art … until now. One of the hottest trends in social media right now is content curation – thanks in no small part to the leading efforts of several thought leaders actively promoting the idea. Joe Pulizzi is a “content marketing evangelist” who speaks and writes often about content marketing publishes a list of the best content marketing blogs across the web.

Steve Rosenbaum just published a book called Curation Nation looking at the rise of content curation in the business world – and a recent post on the Psychology Today blog even declared that “content curation is the new black.” What Is Content Curation? Real-Time News Curation - The Complete Guide Part 7: Business Applications And Trends. Real-Time News Curation: Part 7 - Business Opportunities 1. Where Is The Money 2. Key Business Drivers 3. Business Applications: The News 4. 5. 1) Where Is The Money? "So here's a prediction. News channels in the near future will have no reason, incentive or advantage in trying to replicate what they do now: giving coverage to a handful of topics and stories out of the whole spectrum of news out there.

The very goal of trying to satisfy the greatest number of readers while keeping an often undisclosed political and business agenda will give enormous competitive advantage to new independent content sources which have built their following on deep trust, full disclosure and opinionated dedication to a very specific topic, issue. As demand for quality, topic-specific news and information becomes the real of every individual and not just of those operating in the stock market, a universe of opportunities for monetizing high-quality and high-value topic-specific information will likely appear.

An Amazing Example of Curated Content: Free as a Business Model | IdeaEconomy.Net. La curation c’est de la merde » J’aurais pu écrire m€46€, j’aurais pu être subtil, j’aurais pu essayer d’être plus consensuel mais ce ne doit pas être dans mon “ADN” … Mais finalement en utilisant le mot de Cambronne je reste finalement très soft par rapport au fond de ma pensée.

Curation par-ci, curation par-là. On se demande juste si c’est du nez dont on parle ou bien du fond d’un endroit où finit justement souvent la dite matière. Je ne reviendrai pas sur le terme. En français il est assez laid et en anglais je n’ai même pas envie de savoir d’où il a émergé… Ne jugeons pas le moine à son habit, allons voir ce qu’il a sous sa soutane… Car le fond, toi lecteur audacieux qui aura sauté sur ce titre vilement racoleur, c’est ce qui t’intéresse étant donné que tu as de saines lectures. Continuons donc dans le racoleur en cédant à la manie qui est de compter. 1) Les plateformes de curation et l’acte de curation en lui même n’apportent rien Curater (ou curer en fait… Je sais pas…) c’est quoi ?

Conclusion. Curation Curation Curation and The Next Social Media Business Model | Primary Entrepreneur. Entretien avec Patrice Lamothe, fondateur de 2/2. Patrice Lamothe : « Il n'y a pas réellement d'obstacle en France pour lever des fonds pour créer une start-up » - Organiser le web / Carte d'identité biométrique et commerciale.