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Blog. You’ve all heard the rumors, and maybe you’ve even seen some tweets popping up in your timeline. Now it’s time to get the official lowdown. It’s true, Wunderlist 2 will arrive on iPhone, Mac, Web, Android and Windows just in time for Christmas. Ok, so you now are probably looking at your advent calendars and realizing that Christmas is less than 19 days away. True! Now you are probably asking, “that must mean that Wunderlist 2 is launching… » continue Two months ago we shared an incredible Wunderlist milestone with you. That day was special for us, we were truly moved by the feedback we received from you. Beautiful, simple and innovative products that make peoples’ lives easier.

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Ruby Rack Concrete5 PrestaShop Pligg CMS <! Haptix: Multitouch Reinvented by Haptix Touch. Update 1: Announcing the $150,000 Stretch Goal: Pressure Sensitivity. Learn more here! Update 2: Haptix: both a mouse and a... keyboard? Check it out here! Update 3: Design in 3D or play first-person games with only your fingers! Check out some awesome videos of Haptix! Multitouch is fun and natural to use, but it's only present on a few devices. Because tablets and smartphones are easy to use, they're also easy to enjoy.

Haptix turns ANY surface into a multitouch surface. But it's more than just multitouch - it's 3D multitouch. Controlling anything becomes much easier. Can Haptix replace the mouse? MultitouchTrackpadMouse You can either treat the surface like a multitouch screen or a trackpad, or define different functions for different fingers. 3D multitouch adds a layer of 3D sensing on top of a layer of multitouch. 3D multitouch takes a completely different approach to 3D sensing that solves fundamental problems with 3D sensing today. 3D multitouch moves multitouch away from screens.


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