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Brewing Java: A Tutorial. Copyright 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2006 Elliotte Rusty Harold Last-modified: 2005/07/19 URL: This tutorial has grown into a book called The Java Developer's Resource , available now from Prentice Hall. It's now out of print, but the examples and exercises from that book are also online here and may be of use. For more details about the JDR including the plans for a second edition see the JDR page.

Minor corrections on array dimensions Improve naming conventions in examples Fix a typo and make some efforts (incomplete) toward well-formedness Fix a typo and URLs Minor bug fix Some minor changes about = and := Fixed a few typos. Fixed a few bugs. Fixed a few typos Very minor corrections and updates This tutorial covers Java 1.0. I've fixed a number of typos. I fixed a bug in the Arg method of the complex class. The RAM config program, typewriter applet, Bozo sort algorithm and Java doodle applet are finally included. Linked lists Comments. Hackety Hack! Introduction -- Eloquent JavaScript. ¶ When personal computers were first introduced, most of them came equipped with a simple programming language, usually a variant of BASIC. Interacting with the computer was closely integrated with this language, and thus every computer-user, whether he wanted to or not, would get a taste of it.

Now that computers have become plentiful and cheap, typical users don't get much further than clicking things with a mouse. For most people, this works very well. But for those of us with a natural inclination towards technological tinkering, the removal of programming from every-day computer use presents something of a barrier. ¶ Fortunately, as an effect of developments in the World Wide Web, it so happens that every computer equipped with a modern web-browser also has an environment for programming JavaScript. In today's spirit of not bothering the user with technical details, it is kept well hidden, but a web-page can make it accessible, and use it as a platform for learning to program.

Why?s (poignant) guide to ruby :: 1. About this Book.