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Bibliotek. It’s not only rich South Africans who are leaving the country – young educated ones are too. A new report suggests that young educated South Africans plan to leave the country to work abroad, rather than plough their knowledge back into the local economy. The report comes from PPS, an insurance, investment, healthcare and financial planning specialist for graduate professionals. The company’s latest Student Confidence Index (SCI), conducted among over 1,500 South African students, revealed that 54% of the respondents plan to move abroad for work purposes in the next five years following their graduation. It follows a report published by New World Wealth, which showed that white millionaire numbers have decreased dramatically in SA – from 36,600 in 2007, to 21,200 in 2015. Year-on-year, there were 10,900 fewer white millionaires in the country – a drop of 34%, the report said.

According to NWW, the reason for the sharp drop in white millionaires is primarily due to emigration. Students answered questionnaires online, face-to-face on campus and via focus groups. More on emigration. Emigration expert Reg Bamford to those wanting to leave SA: Think again. - Since arriving in the UK more than two decades back, Reg Bamford’s Sable International has helped thousands of fellow South Africans set themselves up in his new homeland. But the London-based emigration expert offers some honest and rather direct advice for those considering following in his own footsteps: Don’t. In this interview at his London HQ yesterday he unpacked some better ways for would-be emigres to achieving the real objective, which for many is to ensure better opportunities for their children. – Alec Hogg I’m with Reg Bamford and he is the founder and Chief Executive of the Sable Group. We’re here to talk about what you’re seeing in your business and it really is helping South Africans, but people from anywhere in the world to migrate.

Are you seeing, given the chaos that’s going on in South Africa at the moment that there’s been an uptake? Are you finding that given the ructions that we’re seeing in South Africa of late, that your business is starting to reflect that? This one graph shows that South Africans are leaving the country. Emigration expert JP Breytenbach: Economics strongest motivator for SAs moving to UK - Next month we start a new chapter in the adventure with our expansion into the UK. We believe our innovative business model will travel, so are determined to give it a full go in London – following a logical strategy of generating hard currency income from a low cost home base. It’s a well trodden path, as I discovered yesterday when chatting to lawyer JP Breytenbach.

He is the senior partner of Breytenbachs which for almost two decades has been the go-to destination for thousands of South Africans wanting to relocate to the UK. A family-owned business, its speciality gives the firm’s partners a unique insight into migratory trends – both from and into SA. Fascinating insights as you’ll read and hear from the interview below, including that there are now around a million South African-born residents in the UK. And the latest wave of emigrants are doing so for very different reasons to their predecessors. – Alec Hogg Well, it actually started with my father (Hannes). Yes. South African education still fails many 20 years after apartheid.

Since the dawn of democracy in South Africa 20 years ago, pass rates in the country’s end-of-school exam – commonly known as the matric – have been steadily on the rise, despite indications that the schooling system is failing in many other respects. Sceptics have indicated that it seems especially convenient that the 78.2% pass rate for Grade 12 students this year – an election year – exceeded the target of 75%. But Umalusi (the independent quality assurance body overseeing assessments in the schooling system) declared the 2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations to be fair and credible. And the indications are that the steadily increasing pass rate is not because examination papers are getting progressively easier.

Are standards improving? It is important to be clear about exactly what is meant by “rising” pass rates. Much has been said recently about whether the pass rate is so high because the mark needed to pass (30% in some subjects) is so low. Rise over time. Teksversorg 23nov09 ODAV.