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How to reach the top according to Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player that ever lived. Was he genetically predisposed to be faster and stronger, or was it his iron discipline that was responsible? After completing my master’s degree in Biomedical Science I can say, with some facts and knowledge to back it up, that genetics only partially added to the phenomenal talents of this outstanding athlete. He competed against people that were taller, stronger, faster, and younger than him.

Despite the challenges he still came out on top. Let’s take a look at the grains of wisdom that put him at the top of his game as well as his businesses.Michael Jordan’s 10 Success Secrets Take Responsibility“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”Throughout his life, Michael Jordan had the honorable quality of taking responsibility for his own destiny. One of the biggest causes of procrastination is the problem of hesitation. Fail Freely“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. -Alex. How to become a leader. A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.”

-Ralph Lauren A leader is seen as someone with a can-do attitude, the person whose glass is always half full. Hurdles in the road are not obstacles that prevent him from achieving his goal. Rather, they are challenges to be faced, to be overcome, and to be learned from. A leader believes that failures present the opportunity for self-improvement, and that performance on the next go-round will only be enhanced through the lessons previously learned. A leader does not point to a location, tell his followers to go there, then tell them how to accomplish a goal. Whether you are striving to be a leader in your career, or simply want to be a leader in your own private life, there are many lessons and characteristics that will serve you well in either of these endeavors.

Consider these traits and then give thought to your own style. Written by David B. Top 100 American speeches of the 20th century. Slow Leadership: When Sh*t Happens. Lead, Follow, and Get Out of the Way. Leadership seems to be on everyone’s minds one these days. Educators talk about “teaching leadership”, religious and charitable organizations host “leadership development” programs , businesses invest heavily in “leadership training”. But what is leadership, exactly?

And how do we practice it? Leadership is about bringing out and mobilizing the best in the people around you. It’s about helping a group of people worktogether towards a shared goal or set of goals. When leadership works, it creates leaders, not followers. It follows then that leadership is not a trait of individuals. Another misconception about leadership is that it flows from charisma. So what is it? Leaders listen. I hate the idea of “followers”.