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Pimp Your iGoogle. iGoogle, Google's personalized portal formerly known as Google Homepage, has a huge userbase, a nice selection of modules, and Google's trademark simplicity which makes it easy to use for anyone. Most recently, an Outlook module became available. However, it's still missing out on some details - especially visual ones - that many users have sorely missed for quite a while. Do not fear, however; with a little help of Greasemonkey there's practically nothing you cannot achieve with iGoogle.

For these tips and hacks, you'll have to install Greasemonkey, a plugin for Firefox which enables you to change the actual webpages via simple JavaScript scripts. Well, they're simple only if you can code in JavaScript; luckily, many users have already created hacks which you can implement into your iGoogle with just a few clicks. Before we begin, a short description of how most of these scripts are installed. With some, clicking Install will be enough. Transparencies. Twitter Search Results on Google for Greasemonkey. Mark Until Current As Read in Google Reader. How to add Google Calendar and Reader to your Gmail. AutoPagerize. Google Reader for wider screens. Choose from your Gmail contacts in any email form. How to add lyrics on YouTube videos.

Smart Google Reader subscribe button. A few months ago, Jasper de Vries made a Greasemonkey script that places an unobtrusive feed icon in the upper-right portion of the screen, allowing two-click subscription to feeds that are encountered. Then, today I saw Pete's Greasemonkey scripts wish-list, which included on it a "You’re Already Subscribed To This" script. I figured it would be pretty easy to take Jasper's script and modify it to add this functionality. My version of the script adds an overlayed check icon when you're subscribed to at least one of the feeds that the site advertises via auto-discovery.

This was made easy by a URL that Reader exports: There are a couple of caveats: The check is not foolproof - sites that use FeedBurner, that have changed their feed URLs since you've subscribed, or that available under different URLs (e.g. with or without www) may not be detected correctly. Google Reader subscribers count. Gmail Show Unread only button. Greasemonkey. How to reader Google Reader by mouse. Script Summary: Adds a button that toggles Google Reader in and out of a "mouse-only" mode that allows for easy and customizable reading via the mouse buttons (next item, previous item, open in tab/star/share/tag). Now included in Gina Trapani's Better GReader Extension which combines a lot of interesting Google Reader Greasemonkey scripts. Check it out! Google Reader fans that have iPhones You may also be interested in another project I'm working on - It's a stripped down Google Reader interface built for the iPhone (should work in other mobile devices too).

Still very much a work in progress... Usage Click the "Read By Mouse" button (at bottom of screen) to toggle mouse-mode on and off. (ctrl-z also toggles mouse mode) Select the action the middle button should take from the drop list on the left. While mouse mode is on, your mouse buttons do the following: Left click goes to the next item. While mouse mode is off, your mouse buttons work as normal. Google extra. Script Summary: Displays results for google image search, video search, wikipedia search, search and other language versions of wikipedia search alongside normal google searches. To add wikipedia results for other language versions of wikipedia, there are options in the user script commands menu.

This can be found whilst on a google results page by right clicking on the monkey in the bottom right, hitting "User Script Commands... " and then selecting the relevant option in that menu. This menu can also be accessed in "Tools", "Greasemonkey". Update Log 5-July-2007: Initial release.Better functionality for wikipedia, images added for wikipedia, google video images now link, google video images now in a 2x2 grid.Image results now smaller but bigger on mouseover, slightly improved the wikipedia images, included all TLD's.6-July-2007: Minor changes to styles and code. FAO: Chinese Users The Dict.CN functionality has been removed from this script. Screenshots. Google Doc Greasemonkey script. NoDelay. Digg Deep. Greasemonkey Scritps for YouTube. There's a killer feature that YouTube lacks, and you'd love to have it, but it's just not happening? Hold on to your horses; maybe the feature is already available, in the form of a Greasemonkey script.

We've dug up 12 great ones which you should definitely try out. If you don't have Greasemonkey installed yet, here's a quick rundown. You can get it from this page. YouTube video download You can use one of the 23 ways to do it. YouTube Googler Prefer Google Video's look and feel to YouTube's? YouTube Uses the Coral cache servers to enhance performance. YouTube Theater One YouTube video.

YouTubeCleanUp Another pretty decent attempt at removing the useless clutter from YouTube. VideoEmbed This one will probably mess with the formatting of many pages, but the idea is still great. NoYounoobs. Google Image Type Recognition. Folders4Gmail - Arrange your labels in Gmail as a hierarchy of f. How to listen to MP3 files online using Google's Flash play. I checked Microsoft's recently launched file storage service and I was surprised to see there's no way to view your files online. Not even to listen to your MP3s. And Microsoft's service is not a singular case: there are many sites that link to an MP3 and expect you to download the file and open it in your favorite player.

But there are also Flash players that let you listen to any MP3 file available online: one of these players was created by Google to use it for Gmail's MP3 attachments. A Greasemonkey script (you need Firefox + Greasemonkey to install it) can add the player next to each link to an MP3 file. You could also add this code to your site to include the player (replace [MP3_file] with the proper URL of the MP3 file): Now if only we could have a player for other file formats like Ogg Vorbis or Windows Media Audio... Look It Up 2 : Quickly look any text.