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In a Word: Rocks. When I was a kid I used to collect rocks.

In a Word: Rocks

I would spend my time outside in search of the most magnificent rocks. If they were sparkly, smooth or had a unique shape I quickly snatched them up, dusted them off and placed them carefully in my rock box where they sat for many years. I have since set my rock collection free and placed them back in nature where they belong — or at least where some other curious little kid can start their own collection. While I haven’t gathered rocks of my own in a while, I still appreciate their unique beauty. I wouldn’t mind picking up all of these rocks for a new collection.

Jamie is a graphic designer and co-founder of A Pair of Pears, a blog and design company based in Los Angeles, CA. 25 Beauty Tips Reusing Household Items – Homemade Beauty Tips. 1.

25 Beauty Tips Reusing Household Items – Homemade Beauty Tips

Old Buttons Repurpose spare buttons by using them to keep pairs of earrings together: Most buttons have at least two holes in them, so simply place an earring in each opening to neatly store when not wearing. Photo: Jupiter Images 2. Eyebrow Brush Stuck without a lint-remover? Use this handy makeup tool to remove unwanted fuzz from your shirt. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2009. Plant stand + lazy susan = mini side table. I decided to try a different take on the tray table I made nearly a year ago.

Plant stand + lazy susan = mini side table

This time, it would have a more practical permanent top. Plus, it’s an ideal opportunity to use more of my furniture nails, which I adore. I’m volunteering at a girl’s camp next week, so I’ll post my next project in two weeks. Hope you’re all enjoying your summer! How to turn a plant stand into a mini side table SuppliesIkea lazy susan plant stand spray paint 12 large white furniture nails 36 small white furniture nails 3 two-inch mending plates large piece of paper (at least 15 inches square) newspaper or drop cloth Tools rubber mallet drill & 1/16-inch drill bit screwdriver scissors & pencil needle-nosed pliers.

UpCycled Window Shutters - DIY Inspiration. Posted by on fredag, mars 16, 2012 · 6 Comments Open your eyes to the possibilities of upcycling old shutters into new awesome creations.

UpCycled Window Shutters - DIY Inspiration

I’ve gathered a pick of 10 inspiring and doable DIY projects (most with link to DIY tutorials) to show you there’s no need to shut the door to shutter futures anywhere. Hope the ideas will inspire some scrap hacking action! Shutter Wall Olive & Love made the shutter wall in the pic below: DIY TUTORIAL – HERE! Shutter Coat Rack Old shutters and some hooks is all it takes to make your own shutter coat rack: Shutter Head Board Blogger Whitney of ‘Create Love Grow’ made the yellow head board in the pic below: Shutter Bulletin Board The Crafty Nest features a DIY Shutter Bulletin TUTORIAL – HERE! Shutter Store Window Decor Shutter decor in Paul Smith SoHo Store Windows were snapped by The Elegant Thrifter Shutter Wall Display Shutter Sidetable Shutter Screen or Room Divider Some high gloss paint in grey and black achieves a modern feel. Good Luck! Suitcase. I’ve mentioned before that I use suitcases in our bedroom for extra storage.


But that’s just one way to repurpose a vintage suitcase. For some gobsmackingly creative ideas, scroll on! Giftwrapping box Better Homes & Gardens Collect all your wrap, tags and tape in one place in a mobile wrapping station. Sewing kit Mini macs.