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Google Docs, Seo and Stuff. An SEO's Guide to RegEx. RegEx is not necessarily as complicated as it first seems. What looks like an assorted mess of random characters can be over facing, but in reality it only takes a little reading to be able to use some basic Regular Expressions in your day to day work. For example, you could be using the filter box at the bottom of your Google Analytics keyword report to find keywords containing your brand, such as Distilled.

If you want to include both capitalised and non-capitalised versions, you could use the Regular Expression [Dd]istilled. Pretty simple, right? Hang on though… some of you might be asking, what the hell is RegEx? So in the example of the keyword report above, your Regular Expression is applied to each keyword and if it matches it’s included in the report. RegEx has many uses aside from Google Analytics too such as form validation or URL rewrite rules. Characters & Metacharacters I mentioned that Regular Expressions are made up of characters and metacharacters. Dot . Backslash \ Phew! All Discussions - SeoTools Community Forum. How To Build Agile SEO Tools Using Google Spreadsheets. How To Build Agile SEO Tools Using Google Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets - Google Apps Script. Google Apps Script lets you do new and cool things with Google Sheets. You can use Apps Script to add custom menus, dialogs, and sidebars to Google Sheets. It also lets you write custom functions for Sheets, as well as integrate Sheets with other Google services like Calendar, Drive, and Gmail.

Most scripts designed for Google Sheets manipulate arrays to interact with the cells, rows, and columns in a spreadsheet. If you're not familiar with arrays in JavaScript, Codecademy offers a great training module for arrays. For a quick introduction to using Apps Script with Google Sheets, see the 5-minute quickstart guide for Macros, Menus, and Custom Functions. Get started Apps Script includes special APIs to let you programmatically create, read, and edit Google Sheets. The Spreadsheet service treats Google Sheets as a grid, operating with two-dimensional arrays. Reading data The example below shows how to retrieve and log the product names and product numbers. View logs Writing data Formatting. Tutorial: Twitter Approval Manager - Google Apps Script. How to Make a Rank Checker with Google Docs | Free Google Rank Check. DIY SEO: How To Check On-Page Ranking Factors Using Google Docs.

My kids and I really enjoy watching the MAKE Magazine video podcasts together. It’s one of those rare and happy things that a ten-year-old girl, an eight-year-old boy, and an adult can watch together and find interesting. Inspired by these podcasts, I thought it would be a good idea to create a do-it-yourself SEO project.

So today, we’ll make a Google Spreadsheet that checks a web page for various on-page factors that can affect SEO. Getting Started What you need: A Google Account for logging into Google SpreadsheetsA URL that you want to check. In this article, I’ll be checking Once you are signed in to Google Spreadsheets, you will be able to make your own copy to work with by opening the spreadsheet and selecting File -> Make A Copy… If you would rather start with a blank spreadsheet and fill it in as you go through this article, select File -> New -> Spreadsheet.

How It Works A good resource for Xpath queries can be found here. Testing The Basics Extra Credit. [Tutorial] Learn ImportXML - Best SEO Tool Ever - ZoomSpring SEO. Spreadsheets function list - Google Drive Help. The ImportXML Guide for Google Docs - distilled.

Using Google Docs To Generate Hot Content Strategies [Tool] - SEOgadgetSEOgadget. > Skip the chit chat, give me that tool now! It has been a little while now since my last blog post, but hopefully the wait has been worth it! I’m very excited to be writing this post and to be sharing this tool with you. Research for new content strategies takes time Every day in our industry we face the challenge of developing new strategies for attracting traffic to a website and staying ahead of the competition, whether this is through on or off site engagement. But before you can jump to a strategy you need to do the research: What type of content is (and has been) working well – is it contextually relevant? – In a nut shell, what is hot right now? Our research doesn’t end there, once you have the above data you should be checking out similar topics too. Check out our content generation tool The problem we have with this process is that it naturally absorbs a lot of time, and if you are just checking out ideas for outreach purposes it is almost completely unfeasible.

Content aggregators. SEO Tools - Tom Anthony.