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Mesopotamia. Halsall Home | Medieval Sourcebook | Modern History Sourcebook Other History Sourcebooks: African | East Asian | Indian | Islamic | Jewish | LGBT | Women's | Global | Science See Main Page for a guide to all contents of all sections. Common Issues: Mesopotamian/Egyptian/Hebrew/Greek History MEGA Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East Available on the Internet [At Chicago] 2ND Emergence of Civilization in Ancient Near East [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 3000-1200 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 1250-500 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND Arden Eby: The Origin and Development of Writing in Mesopotamia : An Economic Interpretation [At Internet Archive][Modern Illustrated Account] Interactive Map: Political Change in Ancient Mesopotamia , 3000-1000 BCE [At U.

The Emergence of Kingship: Inscription of Umma and Lagash , c. 2500BCE [At] 2ND Arthur A. 2ND Harry A. Mesopotamia. Greek and Roman Materials. Livius. Articles on Ancient History. History: Ancient History in-depth. Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. Titans of Greek Mythology THEOI.COM. Pindar, Pythian Ode 4. 290 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "Does not even now great Atlas struggle to bear up the weight of heaven, far from his fathers’ land and his possessions? But almighty Zeus set free the Titanes for as time passes and the breeze abates, the sails are set anew.

" The Titans were an elder generation of gods who ruled the cosmos before the Olympians gods came to power. They were responsible for the original ordering of time and the establishment of fixed heavenly cycles. The eldest of the Titans--Cronos and his four brothers, Crius, Coeus, Hyperion and Iapetus--were imprisoned in the stormy pit of Tartarus by Zeus after he was victorious in the War. Many of the younger Titan gods, however, allied themselves with Zeus and retained their divine rights under the new regime. The female Titans or Titanides remained neutral in the War, and retained their positions as prophetic goddesses.

ANDES An alternate name for one of the elder Titan sons of Uranus. Ancient World.