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Download Wii-Gamecube Multigame ISO Creator 4.0.4F+ » Wii Other Files. NeoGamma R9 beta. Easily create your own Channels with CustomizeMii (Build 20120101031015) Making your own wads is even easier than before thanks to an app called 'CustomizeMii', it is an updated version of Icefire's Wadder and is more stable, has more options and is altogether a much better tool. You are now able to make forwarder channels as well as regular static and animated channels. Before you install ANY wad you should have some sort of brick protection, Priiloader will do the job just fine but if you can install Bootmii as boot2 then all the better.Making animated channels is still not easy, but for those of you that wish to learn CustomizeMii is up to the job, but for the sake of this tutorial we'll be making a static image channel....that said, CustomizeMii has some built-in animated channels that you can add your own .dol and sound to if you wish.Wads created in CustomizeMii are not made from scratch and always need a base wad.

WiiFlow Installation And Settings (Build 20111231031039) cIOS (All Backups) - CompleteSoftmodGuide (Build 20111230031151) Main Page - WiiBrew (Build 20111228031049) ARSC - Getting the Homebrew Channel on 4.3.