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Mental_floss Blog » Linda Vista Revisited: East LA’s Abandoned Hospital. Last year, while scouting for a short film that never came to fruition, some friends and I talked our way inside an empty, run-down hospital in Boyle Heights. The short was supposed to take place in a hospital, but after a few minutes wandering the halls of Linda Vista -- alone and decidedly creeped-out -- it became obvious that there was no way the place would work. It had been closed for twenty years, and it showed: there was dirt caked in layers on walls and mysteriously wet floors; windows were broken and doors hung off their hinges; ceiling tiles had fallen victim to moisture and gravity, and rats had chewed through the walls.

We didn't have the money to make Linda Vista look like anything more than a horror movie -- a few of which had actually been shot there over the years. I was only inside for 45 minutes or so, running through the place snapping photos on the fly with a crappy point-and-shoot. Click on photos to see larger sizes. ミネルバのフクロウ. ジャズとチョウチョのコラボレーション (No.1922 14/03/02) 前回書いたように土曜日の夕方、ジャズの生演奏をするライブハウスで頼まれていたチョウチョの講演を何とかこなしてきた。


アルコールが苦手な小生、ライブハウスのような場所に行くのは初めての経験で、どんな場所なのか興味津々であるとともに、どうやったらジャズとチョウチョが話題的につながるのか暗中模索の状態であった。 しかし、悩んでいても時間は待ってくれない。 迷いつつも当日になってしまい、「なるようにしかならない」と腹をくくってジャズ演奏の前に「パミール高原のアウトクラトールウスバシロチョウの話」をやってきた。 Topher's Blog. The Maddow Blog.