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Learning Programming

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C# Programming Guide. SQL (Structured Query Language) in one page : SQL.SU. Codecademy Labs. 30 free programming eBooks - Since this post got quite popular I decided to incorporate some of the excellent suggestions posted in the comments, so this list now has more than 50 books in it. BTW: I’m not very strict on the definition of “ebook”, some of them are really just HTML versions of books.

[UPDATED: 2012-01-18] Learning a new programming language always is fun and there are many great books legally available for free online. Here’s a selection of 30 of them: Lisp/Scheme:Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic ComputationHow to Design ProgramsInterpreting Lisp (PDF, suggested by Gary Knott)Let Over LambdaOn LispPractical Common LispProgramming in Emacs LispProgramming Languages. Ruby:The Bastards Book of Ruby (suggested by Dan Nguyen)Clever Algorithms (suggested by Tales Arvelos)Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in RubyLearn Ruby the Hard WayLearn to ProgramMacRuby: The Definitive GuideMr. Erlang:Concurrent Programming in ErlangLearn You Some Erlang for Great Good. Code snippet: Add a New Table to an Access Database. Category: Database Type: Snippets Difficulty: Beginning Author: Intelligent Solutions Inc. Version Compatibility: Instructions: Copy the declarations and code below and paste directly into your VB project.

Declarations: ' (None) Code: Scripts grouped by Category. 6 Steps to Becoming a Software Developer. Deciding to become a software developer is a great initial step, congrats! The job opportunities are growing quickly and in just about every industry that you can imagine. The best part is that you do not necessarily have to go to a four year university to become a great software developer to lock down one of these jobs. The web has all the resources you'll need to interact, learn, get support and finally find a job as a software developer. Let's go through some of them! 0. Codecademy - JavaScript coursesCode School - Rails, jQuery, CoffeeScriptTryRuby - Really fun way to spend 15 minutes learning some RubyTreehouse - Web design (CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, Responsive Design), web development (HTML5, JavaScript, and Intro to Programming), and iOS (build iPhone and iPad apps) 1. University CoursesNon-University Resources Books 2. 3. 4. [Bonus] 5. Hacker School - once you're quite good at what you do, the next level is to attend hacker school and become even better at it!