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Reiki Teacher Training — Allison Eaton ॐ. Reiki is a hands-on healing and stress reduction technique, easily learned by anyone, that promotes health of body, mind and spirit.

Reiki Teacher Training — Allison Eaton ॐ

Reiki opens the heart and clears un-serving energetics in a gentle, yet profound way, bringing more alignment, power and clarity to your life. Immerse yourself in the Healing Light of Reiki for 6 days at magical Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico (located just 15 minutes south of the artist town of Todos Santos). This Reiki Training and Retreat is facilitated by Allison Eaton, experienced Reiki Master of 10 years. Allison is a highly intuitive and compassionate teacher who has given thousands of hands on healings and has taught just as many Reiki Certification Trainings.

Come experience Allison’s light and wisdom and her profound and powerful connection to Reiki Universal Life Force Energy, as she assists you in awakening your own healing gifts. Fab four bumpers for sale. Best appointment reminder app. Reiki Certification. Zoom Meeting Scheduler. GReminders is a Meeting Scheduling and Reminder application that connects to your Google, Outlook or Microsoft Office 365 Calendar.

For all you Zoom users out there, you can now automatically schedule Zoom web meetings/calls as part of your scheduling process. GReminders is an approved Scheduling and Appointment Reminder Zoom Application. Here is a step by guide on how the system works: 1) Setup an Event Type, Event Types allow you to setup a Meeting Template that your end customers can use to book meetings. As part of this select ZOOM for the Location. If this is the first time setting up Zoom you will need to connect your Account to GReminders. 2) Once you have completed creating your Event Type go to Profile > My Link and send out the link to your end customer 3) Your end customer will click on this link and schedule a meeting with you. 4) Once the meeting is booked, you and they will receive an email confirming this meeting. Thats it. Watch this video for more details: Support. Reiki Sessions — Allison Eaton ॐ. What does a Distance Reiki session look like?

Reiki Sessions — Allison Eaton ॐ

Your Virtual (Distance) Reiki Session takes place in the comforts of your own home. During the Reiki session, Allison Eaton, Reiki Master Teacher of 10 years, will channel Universal Reiki Healing Energy for you. Google Hangout Appointment Scheduling. This video will go over how to set up GReminder so that your clients can schedule meetings directly on your calendar with a google meet automatically added.

Google Hangout Appointment Scheduling

To set up your schedule you're going to want to click your initials or picture in the upper right hand corner of our home page. Next you'll click event types and then we will click create my first event type. You'll want to fill out the following information. Let's pretend that we're a financial advisor. Office 365 Appointment Reminders. If you are a Outlook or Microsoft 365 / Microsoft Office 365 Calendar user and you have appointments or meetings with customers, most likely you have had some of your customers miss a meeting and you have had issues scheduling meeting, going back and forth.

Office 365 Appointment Reminders

GReminders is an addon to your Outlook or Microsoft Office 365 which does two things: Send your clients and customers Email / SMS / Text Reminders to eliminate No Shows.Allow your customers to automatically schedule a Meeting with you using a link that you share with them, eliminating the back and forth that happened when it comes to scheduling or booking a meeting. First lets review Email / SMS / Text Reminders. You set a meeting / appointment for next week, you show up at 10am on the day of the scheduled appointment and your client doesnt show. Sounds familiar? Automated Email / SMS / Text Reminders to are one of the best ways to get your clients to show up. Office 365 Appointment Reminders. Reiki Sessions — Allison Eaton ॐ. Excutive Protection Services. Global Threat Solutions offers comprehensive Executive Protection services to a broad spectrum of clients.

Excutive Protection Services

From C-Suite Executive to Family Offices to Celebrities, GTS can provide you with elite Protection Services by highly qualified and trained Protection Agents. Our team brings extensive experience from the military and law enforcement experience and can operate in any environment around the world. Our professional, discreet and highly effective model of protection services is well known and our firm was recently featured in a Business Insider magazine video story that highlighted our elite training program. Our Protection services include: With offices in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, London, Frankfurt and Mumbai, Global Threat Solutions is well-positioned to give you, your family and business Peace of Mind in Uncertain Times.