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Microsoft Word - manuel SRI.docx - manuelexo.pdf. StageLAusannePart1. A smattering of Aikido ukemi strength-building exercises. Leadership presentation & embodiment video. Soft and Invisible Power #5. The Art of Ukemi: Fundamentals/Moonsensei. Ukemi – the art of receiving. Le massage-danse. Le massage, la danse et la musique vécus en interaction nous permettent d'ouvrir le corps énergétique et d'exprimer notre orgasmie Réunis, interagissant les uns avec les autres, ils permettent à notre corps d'extase de se manifester .Il s'agit de se mettre en contact et se masser à partir de cette zone de contact, de la mettre en mouvement, en rythme .

Le massage-danse

Ce massage-danse se fait en "roda" comme une roda de capoiera, chacun participe, il masse, se fait masser, chante ou joue de la musique. Cette video a été faite en 2004 et contient quelques erreurs de montage . L'adresse e.mail en fin de clip n'existe plus: pierre@orgasmieducoeur.orgCette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. Nathan Wagoner’s Videos. Staff spinning tutorial. How to Hug : Hugging as Meditation. Famous for its festivals, workshops and conscious clubbing weekends, Osho Leela is one of the UK’s leading personal growth centers offering workshops during the year in healing, massage, yoga, meditation, tantra, dance, comedy, theater and life-coaching skills.

How to Hug : Hugging as Meditation

Situated in a beautiful house in the heart of the Dorset countryside of England. Osho Leela is a friendly, open and welcoming place offering warm, creative and meditative space. Whether you are looking for personal growth or further training, your experience here will help you get to know yourself and transform your life on all levels. Staying at leela There are many ways to experience Osho Leela, Camping in summer or staying in Pine Chalets and Caravan Holiday homes, available to rent throughout the year. Tai Chi Basics: Lesson 2 - Power like a whip. Ginastica Natural® - Creating and Studying Movements. Columbus Center for Movement Studies & Aikido of Columbus.

Cheng Hsin Instructional DVDs. Documentaire..Corps, esprit et arts martiaux -1. Early Wu style Taijiquan (1937)