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Download details: SQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Reports. Page Speed Home. PSS SQL Server Engineers : SQL Server 2005 Performance Statistic. Many of you have used the SQL Server 2000 blocker script (see KB 271509) to help troubleshoot performance issues in SQL 2000. If you haven't used it, you probably use a script of your own that takes a similar approach, polling sysprocesses and virtual tables to detect blocking and other resource contention issues. In PSS we’ve started using a new performance troubleshooting script for SQL 2005; we call this one our "Perf Stats Script", since it's useful for troubleshooting lots of issues in addition to blocking.

The script takes advantage of the extremely rich set of data exposed by the new Dynamic Management Views in SQL Server 2005. We’ve found that the raw DMV output can be difficult for many people to interpret without a lot of help, so the script attempts to join the relevant DMVs together and present a simplified view of the most relevant data. If you like, feel free to check the script out and use it as a starting point when troubleshooting your own perf issues: 1. 2. 3. Enjoy! Free SQL Server tools that might make your life a little easier. Update: New Stuff from the latest update will be in RED. This list will grow as I find new tools.

So if you know of some not on this list do post them in the comments. SQL Server Management Studio Add-in's SSMS Tools Pack - an add-in with lots of IDE options (Query Execution history, regions, debug sections, CRUD stored procedures creation, new query templates, running custom scripts from Object explorer's context menu) for SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Management Studio Express Data Scripter - generates insert statements for a table Create Database Snapshot - simple GUI for creating a database snapshot Sort SQL Project Files - sorts SQL project files The Black Art of Writing a SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Add-In - a how-to article and a Search DB Objects add-in with code How to create SSMS Add-in - an article that describes how to create add-ins without any source code Free SQL Server books "Boost your DBA expertise" and "DBA Best Practices" - two free books by RedGate Samples.

PRB: "Troubleshooting Orphaned Users" Topic in Books O. When you restore a database backup to another server, you may experience a problem with orphaned users. The Troubleshooting Orphaned Users' topic in SQL Server Books Online does not outline the exact steps for troubleshooting this problem. This article describes how you can troubleshoot orphaned users. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article. Although the terms login and user are often used interchangeably, they are very different. A login is used for user authentication and a database user account is used for database access and permissions validation.

Logins are associated to users by the security identifier (SID). When a database is restored to a different server it contains a set of users and permissions but there may not be any corresponding logins or the logins may not be associated with the same users. Troubleshooting Orphaned Users Steps To Resolve Orphaned Users. ProjectDocs - Migrate - Trac.