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Online Free Tools. Programming tutorials and source code examples. CSS Rounded Corners In All Browsers (With No Images) In the past two years, increased browser support has transformed CSS3 from a fringe activity for Safari geeks to a viable option for enterprise level websites. While cross-browser support is often too weak for CSS3 to hold up a site’s main design, front-end developers commonly look to CSS3 solutions for progressive enhancement in their sites. For instance, a developer might add a drop-shadow in Firefox, Safari and Chrome using -moz-box-shadow and -webkit-box-shadow, and then be comfortable with this design enhancement falling off for IE users.

But wouldn’t it be great if IE users could see the better version of the page? Fortunately there are cross-browser hacks for the more common CSS3 attributes. In this article we’ll walk through getting rounded corners working in all browsers. After only a few compromises, we will have CSS rounded corners working in all browsers, and without using any images. Update – With Opera 10.5, we no longer have to jump through any hoops at all! Update – IE9. CSS Gallery | Website Design. CSS & Design Gallery. Desktop and Mobile Web App Frameworks Using JavaScript and HTML5 | Ext JS, Ext GWT and Sencha Touch | Sencha. Flag Counter - Free counters - Instant, easy and fun! W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)