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Making a pencil drawing from a photo. 1 Open any photo you like. If you want to do the tutorial exactly as shown here, feel free to use the photo of Angelina Jolie (download link on the right side below the tutorial details). 2 Duplicate the background layer. On the duplicate: remove the colors by using Colors / Hue-Saturation. Set the saturation to -100: 3 Duplicate this color-less layer again. Now you have 3 layers. 4 Now choose Filters / Blur / Selective Gaussian Blur, value: 4. Then use Colors / Invert. Then change the opacity of the layer to 50% to get a grey layer that shows the photo’s edges very weak. 5 Merge the layer with the layer down: right-click the layer in the Layers window and choose “Merge down”. 6 Duplicate the now merged layer and change the new layer’s mode to “Dodge”.Now the pencil drawing is finished! 7 If you want to point out the grey lines some more, you can do so as follows:Merge the two grey layers so that you can find the line drawing on a single layer.

Photographer Erik Johansson. Timelapse Photography Tutorial: An Overview of Shooting, Processing and Rendering Timelapse Movies. You’ve probably stumbled upon an incredible work of time-lapse where you just couldn’t get the images and the feelings out of your head. Possibly you are fascinated by nature and the slow changes that occur over a period of time.

A flower blooming, a sunset or a moonrise. Maybe it was a construction project or a cityscape at night, full of activity and production. I’m a big fan of time-lapse photography and I love seeing the amazing work that people create from all over the world. I thought I’d share a few tips I’ve learned over the years as well as touch on the basics for new and intermediate DSLR photographers who might want to try time-lapse. Since there have been some great written introductions here on DPS I decided to use a few videos and screenshots from the eBook Time-Lapse Photography: A Complete Introduction (currently 20% off) instead and focus on creating a launchpad for your experiments. What is Time-lapse Photography? Timelapse – The City Limits from Dominic on Vimeo. P.S.