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Why 'Weird Facebook' is the Next Great Internet Subculture. Weird Facebook is a subculture of meme pages, secret groups, friend networks, and personalities Weird Facebook is a result of the failure of alternative Millenial institutions The scalability of Facebook allows for the creation of unprecedented “virtual realities” Weird Facebook is a mix of different social classes, motivations, aesthetics, interests, and belief systems.

Why 'Weird Facebook' is the Next Great Internet Subculture

Internet prend une majuscule ? Bien sûr, comme toutes les divinités. Un magazine américain veut faire sauter la majuscule d'Internet.

Internet prend une majuscule ? Bien sûr, comme toutes les divinités

Un crime impie. La controverse est vieille comme internet Internet l’Internet : le réseau des réseaux doit-il ou non prendre une majuscule? Le Flat design est mort, vive le Material design. Il y a quelques mois, on vous présentait les principes du flat design aujourd’hui, c’est au tour du material design !

Le Flat design est mort, vive le Material design

Le material design est un concept créé par Google et pour le moment destiné aux applications Android. Il a pour but de garantir la facilité d’utilisation des applications. Celles-ci seraient plus intuitives tout en mettant en évidence les capacités techniques. Beme Has a Problem: Authenticity Is Boring. Social media apps encourage us to share certain parts of our lives and particular versions of our selves.

Beme Has a Problem: Authenticity Is Boring

Judging by Facebook, you’d think everyone you know is in a happy, healthy relationship—it’s weird to post a status update saying you’re lonely or pining for your ex. Instagram’s no different: You share a pic of your meal at the hot new brunch spot, not the French-bread pizza you just warmed in the microwave. You might call this phenomenon the rise of the Curated Self. K. Keim, CMO de Lithium. Le social CRM est mort, vive l’expérience client. Is the internet the new street? Today we're more distracted than ever.

is the internet the new street?

On our phones all the time, swept away in the infinite streams of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter and everything else. Fashion shows feel as much about snapping the models of the moment, and filming the finales, as looking at the clothes. If you're lucky enough to sit front row at the British Fashion Council's big tent, you'll have a brightly coloured bottle of Vitamin Water and a cluster of phone chargers sprouting under your seat; that's all you really need.

This is about so much more than fashion week though, it's about the way we experience the world. A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel. Written by an actual teen I read technology articles quite often and see plenty of authors attempt to dissect or describe the teenage audience, especially in regards to social media.

A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel

However, I have yet to see a teenager contribute their voice to this discussion. This is where I would like to provide my own humble opinion. For transparency, I am a 19-year-old male attending The University of Texas at Austin. What Teens Really Think About YouTube, Google+, Reddit and Other Social Media. Insta Files Friday: Cool Girl Chefs. An Inside Look at Anonymous, the Radical Hacking Collective.

‘No Original Response’: J.G. Ballard predicts Social Media, CCTV, Reality TV. Above: J.G.

‘No Original Response’: J.G. Ballard predicts Social Media, CCTV, Reality TV

Ballard. Hold-up du marketing stratégique sur le digital. Organisation Le 19/08/2014 Bras de fer tendu dans les organisations.

Hold-up du marketing stratégique sur le digital

Qui va mettre la main sur le « digital » ? Top 10 women in tech: Who are the biggest movers and shakers of 2014? - Tech Feature. Pull two names out of a hat that most people associate with technology and it'll likely be Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Top 10 women in tech: Who are the biggest movers and shakers of 2014? - Tech Feature

Giants of the industry, they have come to represent everything that Apple and Microsoft do. As such, many presume technology is a world predominantly ruled by men, but it's actually the opposite. A huge number of women are currently in positions of power shaping the future of the technology industry. LES RESISTEURS. Zoella, la petite vlogueuse anglaise aux 5,3 millions d'abonnés. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail.

Zoella, la petite vlogueuse anglaise aux 5,3 millions d'abonnés

Les 5 commandements de la vidéo virale - Dossiers. 13/06/2014 - Obtenir des millions de vues pour une vidéo sans dépenser trop en achat médias: le rêve pour un annonceur. Objets connectés : entre usages pertinents et définitions opportunistes. Depuis quelques mois, la plupart des médias et des agences ont découvert que l’internet du web était en train de se transformer en internet des objets.

Hélas, la plupart de ces médias (et agences) n’ayant pas d’argent pour se payer des spécialistes ont abordé ce sujet en lisant des blogs optimisés pour le référencement – des blogs connus pour leur qualité variant du assez médiocre au très très nul. Le résultat : des articles, des « études » ou des recommandations « stratégiques » qui mélangent le M2M (Machine-to-Machine), l’internet des objets et les objets connectés dans une grande mélasse où surnagent au même niveau des contre-vérités absolues et d’antiques évidences.

Certes, il est vrai qu’il s’agit d’un sujet complexe et que l’habitude des consultants est de simplifier (surtout quand ils ne comprennent pas grand choses). Marissa Mayer: Destroyer Of Startups. Another day, another Yahoo acquisition. Yesterday the search giant swiped up the five-man Vizify team, a data visualization startup that turns your social media posts into interactive infographics and videos. It is unclear how much Yahoo paid for Vizify and how the team will fit into the company's overall strategy—which, for the moment, seems completely random. But this is par for the course at Yahoo. The company has been picking off startups to cobble together a younger, hipper team since CEO Marissa Mayer took the helm in July 2012.

Obfuscation. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. How Teens Use Snapchat. YouTube These are not the teens we talked to for this story. When news broke that Snapchat decided to pass on a cool $3 billion from Facebook for acquisition of its here-and-gone photo app, we initially couldn't put our fingers on why.

There was the idea that it could be about what Facebook has become. You’re Not Just The Product, You’re The Ads (And Your Friends Should Thank You) Word of mouth, sponsored. Trusted recommendations, promoted. Reviews from friends, endorsed. This is the new lexicon of advertising. IN SEARCH OF SERENDIPITY. It means more than a happy coincidence. And it's under threat from the internet. Big Data : l’antisèche anti-blabla. Quoi ? #TeamVine: Instagram Has Video Now, but Not a Video-Making Culture - Alexis C. Madrigal. The tools might be similar, but Vine already has a community and maybe even a genre.

Instagram, i.e. Facebook, announced that users of the photo-sharing service can now make 15-second videos in the latest version of the app. The move was widely perceived as an encroachment on the short-video territory occupied by Vine, the Twitter-owned service. Instagram : la vie devant soi.

Low tech practices and identity