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Real life home. I discovered Maria's blog, Dreamy Whites, last Fall and have been hooked ever since.

real life home

I love her beautiful photographs as well as all the many lovelies in her shop, which she styles in the prettiest ways. Her images are an inspiration to me as well as her appreciation for all things French. You can also tell by reading Maria's blog, that she is a genuinely nice person too--added bonus! Maria lives on a horse ranch in northern California, where her husband is a professional trainer. They live on a gorgeous piece of property with their five kids no less...that's five homeschooled kids.

I've really enjoyed the photos of her children and family life, as well as the way she's transformed her home into a French-inspired farmhouse. For those of you just tuning in, this series showcases living spaces decorated by people who are not formally-trained interior designers; people who mix new finds with antiques and secondhand pieces from Craigslist (or the like). 1. That's it! Art of Upcycling: 20 DIY Wood Pallet Reuse Project Ideas. Not quite a fan of the unsustainable design clones that fight for elbow room in today’s furniture and big box stores?

Art of Upcycling: 20 DIY Wood Pallet Reuse Project Ideas

Anyone with a crafty bone in their body knows full well that entirely original household staples and all around practical lifestyle accessories with major wow factor can be cobbled together with minimal budgetary impact, all thanks to humble yet highly customizable wooden shipping pallets. Even if you’ve never before dabbled in the fine art of design via DIY, a little elbow grease and repurposing inspiration is really all you need to get your eco-design train in motion. Remy & Veenhuizen ontwerpers. 6 Ways To Reuse Soda Bottles. Did you know that, “Plastic soda bottles are not biodegradable. When they end up as trash in landfills, they stay there for up to 700 years before beginning to decompose. Recycling plastics also saves energy. One recycled plastic bottle conserves enough energy to power a light bulb for up to three hours.” Source: If you are going to use them, here are six ways that you can reuse them to keep them out of the landfill. 50-Watt Lightbulb This idea was born during a blackout in Brazil back in 2002 by a local inventor.

Fruit Fly Catcher If you have a fruit fly problem, there is no need to buy any harsh or toxic sprays. Hanging Soda Bottle Planter Soda bottles are great to grow shallow rooted herbs and veggies like basil and lettuce. Self-Watering Container Don't want to hang your soda bottle, then you can make this version of a self-watering container to grow your own food. Sky Planter dans la cuisine ! Plus de place dans votre cuisine pour mettre des plantes aromatiques ?

Sky Planter dans la cuisine !

Intrigant mais novateur, Sky Planter vous propose de suspendre des pots de fleurs au plafond, la tête en bas ! Travaux manuel. Garbage Warrior [Full Length Documentary] Book Igloo. Home is a recent sculptural installation by Colombian artist Miler Lagos. The piece was constructed at MagnanMetz Gallery late last year using carefully stacked books to create a compact dome that is entirely self-supporting. (via chris moore, thanks megan) Lave-main intégré pour WC - mini. Fini les lave-mains absents des toilettes, enfin de l’eau gratuite pour des mains nettes...

Lave-main intégré pour WC - mini

Notre modèle Kit mini économique possède les avantages du Lave-mains classique en terme d’hygiène et de récupération d’eau pour seulement 10 à 20 minutes d’installation et un budget divisé par 2 ! Wici mini:- Installation très facile et rapide- Deux fois moins cher que son grand frère, pour des fonctonnalités équivalentes- Adaptable sur WC ou au mir avec support en option- Gain de place, higiène et originalité- Economies d'eau- Gamme d'options et accesoires. Glass Balcony Pools for Indian Luxury Condo. Laughing Squid AboutTwitterFacebookHostingContactStore Archive Random RSS Glass Balcony Pools for Indian Luxury Condo Building #Architecture 27th Apr 2012 / 3,880 notes Founded in 1995 by Scott Beale, Laughing Squid is a blog featuring compelling art, culture & technology, as well as a cloud-based web hosting company.

Glass Balcony Pools for Indian Luxury Condo

Rangez vos verres et coupez l'eau, voici le bureau en carton. Vendredi 27 avril Matos - 27 avril 2012 :: 09:17 :: Par Eric On connaissait déjà les chaises et les commodes en carton, mais ici c’est un espace de travail entier qui est fait de la même matière, y compris tables et piliers, et le tout sur deux étages avec mezzanine.

Rangez vos verres et coupez l'eau, voici le bureau en carton

A l’agence de publicité Nothing basée à Amsterdam, on a le sens du recyclage. L’agence a fait appel à deux designers, Alrik Koudenburg and Joost van Bleiswijk, pour qu’ils conçoivent et construisent ce bureau pour le moins original, intégralement fait de carton. On connaissait déjà les chaises et les commodes en carton, mais ici c’est un espace de travail entier qui est fait de la même matière, y compris tables et piliers, et le tout sur deux étages avec mezzanine. Le résultat est même plutôt réussi esthétiquement. (source) Plus d'infos sur : bureau, carton, insolite, meubles.