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140278.jpg (JPEG Image, 794×910 pixels) - Scaled (90%) Love is patient - StumbleUpon. Portrait Photography by Tom Hoops. Art 42: Archive. 16 Inspirational Portrait Photography Techniques. I’m learning that portrait photography can be tough in more than one way thanks to my participation in the December Challenge. I’m already getting bored with taking the standard cookie-cutter portrait, so I started digging around Flickr for some inspiration. Here’s what I turned up: [tweetmeme]And yes, I realize that the accompanying text is much shorter than I would usually supply, but the idea of this post isn’t to teach these techniques — it’s to introduce you to them and hopefully give you some inspiration with your own photography.

I feel that these photos are strong enough to stand on their own without lengthy descriptions. Want more great projects, amazing photos, Photoshop tips, and articles on photography? If you’re good with post-processing and manipulations, use it to your advantage. If texture is a big part of your subject, make it stand out and make it obvious. A dominantly dark or low-key image will naturally draw your eyes to the lighter parts.