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2722460af13177056d76b9bf2af275a0-d3lhl49.jpg (JPEG Image, 713×1121 pixels) - Scaled (73. Windswept.jpg (JPEG Image, 600×600 pixels) Art of Phil Noto. 20 Most Cool and Unusual Portraits. Paintings by Victor Rodriguez. _lyks7p5IWo1qz6f9yo1_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 499×332 pixels) Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама. Sylvia Ji. Med-res.jpg (JPEG Image, 240×241 pixels) William Whitaker paintings.

Drfranken - NastPlast. Si hace un par de días hablábamos de NastPlas, hoy despedimos el año con uno de sus miembros.

drfranken - NastPlast

Drfranken es el seudónimo con el que vamos a conocer a este artista digital que trabaja tanto con Airbrush como con 3D, Photoshop, Vectores, Fotografía o Foto-composiciones. Un auténtico Artista Digital cuyo trabajo que podemos encontrar, además de su web, en casi todas las comunidades que alternamos, deviantArt, Painter Magacine, ConceptArt, CGSociety, ImagineFX, Behance. Sus ilustraciones nos adentrarán en diferentes mundos donde reina una belleza oscura que a veces nos acoge con dulzura y otras con dureza. drfranken© - “The Guardian” enkil: ¿Quién es drfranken? Drfranken© - “MoonLight” enkil: ¿Cómo surge tu interés por el Arte Digital y que te lleva a dedicarte a el? Drfranken© - “Queen of dreams” enkil: Podríamos decir que eres un artista digital puro pero: ¿Qué es para ti el Arte en general? Drfranken© - “Dancing Sea” drfranken© enkil: ¿Cómo definirías tu trabajo? Monica Cook. Monica Cook© - “Untlited (whit Pumpkin)” Monica Cook es una artista nacida en Dalton, Georgia en 1974 que se trasladó a Savannah, Georgia, a realizar una licenciatura en pintura en la Universidad de Arte y Diseño de Savannah.

Monica Cook

Tras su graduación, en 1996, Cook completaría sus estudios en la Universidad de Artes Visuales en Nueva York donde actualmente reside y trabaja. Sus pinturas han sido incluidas en numerosas exposiciones individuales tanto en Estados Unidos como en el extranjero. Monica Cook© – “Succi” Monica Cook© – “Untitled” Sexy smoking girl, paintings by Brian M. Viveros.

David Walker Brush-Less Portraits. Angela Fraleigh Oil Paintings. Art. Realistic Paintings by Linnea Strid. Charmaine Olivia Intense Paintings and Illustrations. Portrait paintings by Danny O’Connor (aka DOC) “Concentrating mainly on figurative and portrait subject matter, his influences include comic books, graffiti, illustration, and character design.

Portrait paintings by Danny O’Connor (aka DOC)

With a strong graphic element visible in his work, O’Connor uses a wide range of media including acrylics, spray paint, ink, paint markers, and household gloss and emulsions. O’Connor has exhibited alongside some of the worlds leading Urban artists such as Banksy and Adam Neate as well as other gallery shows across the UK.” Danny O’Connor: website Via: Ridiculously detailed spray-paint and stencil portraits by Kris Trappeniers... I just discovered the work of Belgium-based Kris Trappeniers who describes himself as a “paper sculptor”.

Ridiculously detailed spray-paint and stencil portraits by Kris Trappeniers...

His delicately cut stencils are among the most complex I’ve ever seen, the twisting, curving line work creating these amazing portraits that are unbelievably finished with spraypaint. J e f f S i m p s o n A r t. Carrie Ann Baade, MFA - Painter. Charmaine Olivia. Paintings by Michael Shapcott. Unique and colorful portraits by Françoise Nielly & Blog of Francesco ...

Unique and colorful portraits by Françoise Nielly on June 16, 2011 Share this: by Francesco Mugnai.

Unique and colorful portraits by Françoise Nielly & Blog of Francesco ...

Picks of the Harvest 2012. 239380.jpg from I_seldom_do: in progress. Some in-progress teaser pics of my 'Hajimari' solo show coming up at Jonathan Levine Gallery in NY this coming Saturday. will post full images of all pieces after opening night happens. ;)

i_seldom_do: in progress.