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The Latest Digital: Chanel, Valentino & Montblanc - Luxury Society - The Latest. Hugh Jackman, Valentino Garavani, Anne Hathaway and Giancarlo Giammetti unveil The Valentino Garavani Virtual Museum at New York’s MoMA Valentino Garavani unveiled a game changer this week in New York, launching fashion’s first virtual museum, in the form of a downloadable desktop application Fashion exhibitions became an increasingly important part of the luxury communications landscape in 2011. For consumers, it has become clear that they are an increasingly popular medium in which to experience luxury, couture and outstanding craftsmanship. The Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty installation – staged at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in New York – was first extended one week and then, in a first for the museum, remained open until midnight to cope with the overwhelming demand.

The exhibition was viewed by a total of 661,509 visitors, making it the eighth most popular Met exhibit of all time, up there with Tutankhamen. Valentino Garavani, Virtual Museum Source: JustLuxe. Top 10 social media luxury marketers of 2011. Missoni for Target It takes a special kind of luxury brand to reach out to consumers on an informal platform and maintain the persona of elegance and luxury. Luxury brands are increasingly relying on social media to reach affluent consumers via product pushes, campaigns and contests, but some marketers are just on another level. The most successful luxury brands use all types of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs and YouTube to ensure that every consumer is successfully reached. Here are the top 10 luxury branded social media marketers of 2011, in alphabetical order. – The New York-based retailer sustained its consistency throughout all quarters of 2011.

Bergdorf experimented with all forms of social media marketing, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, Tumblr and digital magazines. The department store has “What’s happening this week,” daily style tips, blog posts, event alerts and endless images. The best example is its trailblazing move on Google+. Mr. </b>*} None Found. Burberry. Annoncer ici La Maison Burberry n’aurait pu rêver meilleur cadeau pour conclure 2011 en beauté.

En effet, la barre des 10 millions de fans Facebook vient d’être franchie par la célèbre marque britannique. Cette étape exceptionnelle pour une marque de Luxe marque l’adoubement par le grand public de la stratégie digitale de Burberry, mise en place sous l’impulsion de son génial directeur de la création Christopher Bailey. Burberry est désormais incontestablement la Maison de Luxe reine du digitale. Photo postée sur la Page Facebook de Burberry pour célébrer le 10 millionième fan Mais au-delà de l’exploit, revenons un instant sur les raisons de l’ascension fulgurante de cette Maison à la fois ancestrale et jeune (young old company) sur la toile. Cette réussite digitale explosive peut être expliquée, selon nous, par une combinaison de facteurs uniques. L’innovation intégrée au plus profond de l’ADN de la marque Ainsi, Burberry a intégré le digital à toutes les étapes de sa réflexion.

Burberry utilise pour créer une entreprise plus sociale. Annoncer ici Angela Ahrendts, PDG de la maison Burberry créée l’évènement en utilisant la plateforme « » pour rendre son entreprise plus sociale. Pour celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas, et bien sachez que cette entreprise américaine, basée à San-Francisco distribue des logiciels de gestion uniquement basés sur internet et héberge des applications d’entreprises. Elle est surtout reconnue au niveau international pour ses solutions en gestion de la relation client CRM). Pour en savoir plus cliquez-ici. Ils ont pensé le futur : Nathalie Lemonnier (extrait de #Luxe et Digital)) Etude Synthesio - Attrait du luxe en ligne. Web and Luxe - Blog Luxe Marketing Mode Web et Nouvelles Technologies.

Sur base de case studies, comment envisager Internet et le Digital ... Blog e-Luxe. Mémoire Luxe et Internet. Gucci Group: How luxury brands fast track their way to social media, community and new customers. This week I had the great pleasure of speaking at the Gucci Group Conference in Miami. Not only were they the best dressed group of attendees I have ever seen – no surprises there – which was thoroughly intimidating – still no surprises – but their conference was a wonderful example of how a brand (or brands) react to the emerging social web in a way that is truly creative, effective and inspiring.

As such, I wanted to share the steps they took to demonstrate how successful creative brands are rethinking their strategies to suit a new consumer-driven marketplace. 1. The How of Tomorrow The first aspect I want to highlight was the theme itself: ‘Embracing Uncertainty’. This phrase encapsulates the mindset demanded of brands by ever-changing technology and consumer dynamics. As such it was incredibly effective at getting their executives to move past the “why” of change to the ‘”how”. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Would such an approach help your company? 5 Commandments For Luxury Branding On Facebook. One of the reasons luxury brands are, well, luxurious, has to do with the fact that they are exclusive. As a result, some worry that Facebook deomocratizes things to the point of sacrificing exclusivity. However, that doesn’t have to be the case if you do your marketing right. Because you are a luxury brand, you need to maintain that image throughout your marketing campaign. Even the affluent are on Facebook, and you need to make sure that you engage them there. However, you don’t want to have your image associated with second-rate digital marketing.

Because you are exclusive, that means you have higher standards. The design of your Facebook page, the videos you post on Facebook, and the Facebook ads you create must all be of highest quality. Remember: You only maintain your luxurious and exclusive image if you can keep it online as well. One of the great ways to grow your brand, while maintaining your exclusivity, is to focus on the people who want to buy your products, but can’t.

Le luxe version 2.0. Social media, les marques de Luxe, la Mode | Le Social Media... Et après ?! Pourquoi le Luxe et la Mode se positionnent-ils sur le social media après des années de réserves? Comment passer de l’éphémère, l’élitisme à la démocratisation, sans altérer son image ? Plusieurs de nos billets détailleront les stratégies des marques aujourd’hui. Quels objectifs pour le social media marketing du Luxe ? Démonstration au travers des actions des top 3 stratégies de marques du Luxe dans ce secteur à travers le Monde : Burberry (5.5 millions de fans +219% 31ème marque), Gucci (4 millions +147% 45ème marque) et Chanel (3.3 millions +103% 54ème) selon les social media KPIs socialbakers sur les 6 derniers mois.

Protection de la marque et de son image est l’objectif premier : prendre la parole pour ne pas la laisser totalement aux internautes, permettre la mise en circulation sur la toile de supports d’image et du contenus vérifiés de qualité pour permettre le buzz. Burberry est exemplaire sur les réseaux sociaux. Ou encore Hermès avec l’opération « J’aime mon carré ». Les marques de luxe ont encore du potentiel sur les réseaux sociaux, selon une étude de Benchmark Group.