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Learn How To Play Chess Online. Encontro Diamantino de Contato Improvisação. Pensando em tudo que tem ocorrido em Minas... A lama , mistura de terra , argila e água de que resulta uma massa pastosa . Lodo . Vida , condição ou circunstancias abjetas , desprezíveis , lamentáveis ou reprováveis . Labéu . Ora cheio de vida , ora a sufoca... MudMadness - Who much worth a life ???? Performance created by actor/dancer Lindon Shimizu The mud , a mixture of earth , clay and water , resulting in a slurry . O Encontro. Capão Atividades:Na fase Capão, acontecerão 13 aulas, 4 laboratórios e 9 jams, totalizando 26 atividades. R$ 560,00 até dia 10 de novembroR$ 600,00 até 01 de dezembroR$ 650,00 até 30 de dezembro Hospedagem:Diária Camping - R$ 15,00 x 8 dias = R$ 120,00 p/ pessoa Diária Cama – R$ 40,00 x 8 dias = R$ 320 p/ pessoa (vagas limitadas) Obs: Ao escolher diária camping, o participante se responsabiliza por trazer todo o seu equipamento básico de camping (barraca de camping, isolante/colchonete e saco de dormir/cobertas) Alimentação:A diária inclui 3 refeições vegetarianas, saudáveis e saborosas.R$ 40,00 x 8 dias = R$ 320,00 Promoção Lote limitadíssimo !!

CAPÃO + PATI 16 dias com tudo incluído - Aulas, Jams, Laboratórios, passeios, comida, dormida e tudo mais R$ 1.900,00 (cama) R$ 1.600,00 (camping) – R$100,00 por dia?!? PatiPacote de 8 dias de aulas + laboratórios + jams + alimentação + hospedagem + guias e tudo mais. Canal do Ensino. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking is a test of creativity. Description[edit] Building on J.P. Guilford's work and created by Ellis Paul Torrance, the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), a test of creativity, originally involved simple tests of divergent thinking and other problem-solving skills, which were scored on four scales: Fluency. The total number of interpretable, meaningful, and relevant ideas generated in response to the stimulus.Flexibility.

The third edition of the TTCT in 1984 eliminated the Flexibility scale from the figural test, but added Resistance to Premature Closure (based on Gestalt Psychology) and Abstractness of Titles as two new criterion-referenced scores on the figural. To date, several longitudinal studies have been conducted to follow up the elementary school-aged students who were first administered the Torrance Tests in 1958 in Minnesota. Verbal tasks using verbal stimuliVerbal tasks using non-verbal stimuliNon-verbal tasks Tasks[edit] Creativity. Psychological Exercises for Insight & Self-Awareness Groups. SQ3R Studying Technique. So far so good, we have been able to explain in details how to adopt good and effective studying techniques. In this article, we will further analyze another important component of effective studying techniques.

Studying is an ‘active’ process of taking in new ideas and fitting them alongside your existing ideas so that you develop better general knowledge and understanding of the subject you are studying and being able to express the newly formed ideas by talking and writing about them. Techniques for effective studying vary with individual and there is no specific layout. However, there are generally acceptable techniques which can be adopted. 1.

When you first lay your hand on a material for studying, the first thing is to have a general idea of what the material is all about. 2. 3. It is very important to state it clearly that skimming and scanning are not studying. 4. This is the most important part of studying. Other studying techniques include but not limited to the following: EBMC brings diversity to dharma. In the late 1990s, a group of Buddhist teachers and practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area began talking about the need for a new meditation center in Oakland, California, a city that is generally more diverse, working-class, and affordable than the rest of the Bay Area. The center’s mission, from the start, would be to welcome and support as many communities as possible. They wanted their center to explicitly welcome people of color, LGBTQI-identified, teenagers, and people in recovery, with low incomes, or with chronic illness and disability.

In the process of envisioning their new center, the founding group approached these communities directly and asked what they wanted in a spiritual home. In the end, the goal would be to provide “a safe space for individuals who daily confront the effects of oppression, racism, or homophobia and heterosexism in their lives, and who therefore may choose to initially avoid mixed programs.” “I feel safe there,” one EBMC member of color says.

Failing Forward: 21 Ideas To Use It In Your Classroom. Failing Forward: 21 Ideas To Help Students Keep Their Momentum by Terry Heick “Failing Forward” is a relatively recent entry into our cultural lexicon–at least as far has headlines go anyway–that has utility for students and teachers. Popularized from the book of the same name, the idea behind failing forward is to see failing as a part of success rather than its opposite. Provided we keep moving and pushing and trying and reflecting, failure should, assuming we’re thinking clearly, lead to progress, So rather than failing and falling back, we fail forward. So what might this look like in your classroom? Failing Forward In The Classroom: 21 Ideas To Help Students Keep Their Momentum 1. How does this promote failing forward?

Say: “Your design work on the app blueprint is coming along nicely. 2. How does this promote failing forward? Say: “Your first two drafts didn’t work so well, huh? 3. How does this promote failing forward? Say: “How did your audience respond to your ideas? 4. 5. 6. 7. Reevo. In Australia, a School Designed to Excite and Engage. As I was preparing to visit Australia for the first time recently, two educators I admire told me about a public elementary school that I simply must visit. One of these colleagues, a big thinker in school reform, said that this just may be his "favorite school on the planet. " A little web research, a few email exchanges, and a long flight later, I was on my way to Wooranna Park Primary School, located just outside Melbourne in the neighborhood of Dandenong North.

Here are some field notes and inspirations from a school that lives up to its vision of being "a place of optimism, excitement, and challenge. " Meet the Maestro Principal Ray Trotter doesn't seem to mind if school visitors compare him to Walt Disney. He remains unflagging about getting school right, and impatient with practices that "undermine the self-confidence of children. From the outside, Wooranna Park, built in 1971, looks boxy and old school. Meet Some Autonomous Learners What are these autonomous learners tackling? 21st-Century Libraries: The Learning Commons. Libraries have existed since approximately 2600 BCE as an archive of recorded knowledge. From tablets and scrolls to bound books, they have cataloged resources and served as a locus of knowledge. Today, with the digitization of content and the ubiquity of the internet, information is no longer confined to printed materials accessible only in a single, physical location.

Consider this: Project Gutenberg and its affiliates make over 100,000 public domain works available digitally, and Google has scanned over 30 million books through its library project. Libraries are reinventing themselves as content becomes more accessible online and their role becomes less about housing tomes and more about connecting learners and constructing knowledge. From Library to Learning Commons Printed books still play a critical role in supporting learners, but digital technologies offer additional pathways to learning and content acquisition. Photo credit: Francis W. Transparent Learning Hubs. Livro de artista: arte contemporânea encarada de frente | Arte. Iniciar Slideshow| Parar Slideshow Instalação, pop arte, happening, body art e performance. Esses são apenas alguns movimentos da arte contemporânea, que surgiu depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial e engloba linguagens diversas.

Apesar de possibilitar explorações e aprendizados variados para os alunos, muitos docentes resistem em trabalhá-la em sala. "Já que vivemos na contemporaneidade, esse é um cenário em constante expansão. A docente elegeu o livro de artista para trabalhar, uma categoria das artes visuais que perpassa todos os estilos. A escolha de Sirlene também se deve ao fato de essa modalidade exemplificar bem o cenário contemporâneo, que se caracteriza pela introdução de novos materiais, suportes e espaços na Arte e pela aproximação com o público, essencial para a interpretação da obra. Como a poesia é um recurso presente nos livros de artista, a docente, junto com colegas de Arte, elaborou um projeto interdisciplinar com Língua Portuguesa. TeachThought - Learn better. Projeto Âncora. Tricô, capoeira, música, marcenaria e muito mais! Veja as oficinas trabalhadas no Projeto Âncora.

PEDAL quer estimular autonomia entre crianças e adolescentes nas práticas educativas | Educação Integral. “Hoje, na educação ouvimos muitas mesmas histórias, a da escola que não funciona, da que funciona, a do aluno que não aprende, a do projeto que deu certo. E como perceber essas histórias a partir de uma pluralidade de olhares? Como perceber o que os alunos querem descobrir na própria escola?”. Para André Gravatá, escultor de palavras e versos urbanos e humanos, a legitimidade de uma proposta pedagógica se dá quando ela, de fato, envolve crianças e adolescentes em sua prática.

Em seu entendimento, isso só é possível quando é possibilitado o repensar desses caminhos, o fortalecimento do coletivo e o fomento à autonomia. E é dessa percepção que surge a proposta do PEDAL – Pedagogias Alternativas, projeto do qual Gravatá faz parte, e hoje está aberto à captação de recursos na plataforma de financiamento colaborativo Catarse. Sobre o PEDAL A produção terá os seguintes quadros: O que é que tem? Mindful Moment Program | Holistic Life Foundation. Mindful Moment Patterson Patterson High serves a number of really at-risk students, just look at the following statistics: End-of-year suspension rates up to 16% of studentsA 4-year graduation rate of only 86% of studentsMore than 60% of students are absent more than 20 days each yearThe school’s state testing falls far below the average in Maryland.

What we aim to do, with your help and the help of some of our partner organizations, is take our own, proven yoga & mindfulness curriculum into Patterson High School with hopes to improve participation in class, academic scoring, and graduation rates, while helping the 1,000 students find some inner peace of their own. Mindful Moment Coleman We will also be working with The Institute for Integrative Health and the University of Maryland School for Integrative Medicine to conduct a study to gauge the results of this program, with results being released at a future date. Here’s why this is such a huge deal: What is diamond ranking strategy? The diamond ranking strategy is an excellent means of encouraging collaboration in the classroom. It also helps students understand text content better and guides teachers in planning based on level of student understanding.

In this strategy, students (paired or grouped) are given an envelope containing a set of statements (usually nine). These statements can also be facts or anecdotes that represent a variety of concepts, opinions and perspectives. Each statement is titled or numbered for easy reference. Students are instructed to rank each statement and arrange them in a diamond formation. Students must place the statement with the highest priority at the top of the formation and the least important statement at the bottom. After completing the task, each group is asked to explain their choice of ranking. Additional ideas: To increase the complexity of the activity and to encourage further reasoning and thought, certain changes can incorporated.

Why use the strategy? 5 ways to make ‘textbook lessons’ more interesting. Update: I’m no longer in the classroom but would highly recommend Paul Ginnis’ Teacher’s Toolkit: Raise Classroom Achievement with Strategies for Every Learner . I’ve found it extremely helpful to my own practice and when mentoring student teachers! When I started my teaching career I worked myself into the ground. Determined not to just use textbooks as a prop, I did ‘proper’ lesson plans for every single lesson and didn’t use more than a single page of a textbook (tops!) The majority of the above can be achieved quickly and easily by a) experience, b) having a bank of resources that you build up (preferably sharing them with others – see the historyshareforum, for example), and c) making sure you have a good working relationship with your students. 1. There’s many ways to do this. (Random Numbers @ Flickr) 2. This works well on so many levels. 3. This is important in any lesson, but especially important in my subject – History. 4. 5.



According to Science, Colleges Professors Have Been Teaching You All Wrong. The news: Lectures might actually be boring their students right out of good grades. A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that undergraduate students in classes with traditional "stand and deliver" lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students taught using other, more creative methods. Instead, teachers should take "active learning" to heart: "Active learning engages students in the process of learning through activities and/or discussion in class, as opposed to passively listening to an expert. It emphasizes higher-order thinking and often involves group work. " Basically, science has provided evidence that this ... ... actually happens. The background: To compile his data, biologist Scott Freeman of the University of Washington analyzed 225 studies of undergraduate STEM teaching methods.

"The change in the failure rates is whopping," Freeman told ScienceMag. What's more, other studies (Van Heuvelen in Am. Tom McKay.


Crianças. Arte. Certificações. Eventos. Escolas.