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My Monster: Why Should We Hire You? Expert Archive Questions. 10 Ways to Catch a Liar. Conflict Resolution. British National Archives: Public Information Films. VideoJug. eHow. WikiHow. ViewDo. The lilaguide - baby and toddler guide for new parents. Choose to Save®

Debt-Proof Living Home. Practical Money Skills for Life | Financial Literacy Program. Your Road to Financial Security with Jean Chatzky. 10 habits guaranteed to blow your budget. A Frugal, Simple Life. Resisting the Seductions of Success : HBS Working Knowledge. By Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. In his novel I Come as a Thief, Louis Auchincloss introduces us to Tony Lowder, a lawyer in his early forties. Tony and his wife have two children. He works for the New York office of the Securities and Exchange Commission, but his job is just a resting spot. Tony has a promising political career ahead of him—in a recent election, he almost beat a heavily entrenched incumbent. Then Tony makes two extraordinary decisions. This story confronts us with one of the oldest and most perplexing themes in literature—the hazards of success. These men and women all resemble Tony. At first, Tony’s crime and confession are hard to explain.

With Tony Lowder, Louis Auchincloss draws on his extraordinary dual career to give us a strikingly contemporary perspective on the hazards of success and the ways leaders can avoid them. Tony's story strongly suggests that the most fundamental inner resource of leaders is a peculiar, negative skill. "As if" living Footnotes: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.