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Großer BarCamp-Überblick: Alle Un-Konferenzen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. BarCamp politische Bildung Themenfokus: PolitikDatum: 19. bis 21.

Großer BarCamp-Überblick: Alle Un-Konferenzen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

Februar 2015Ort: Oer-Erkenschwickmehr Infos unter: Agile Ruhr Camp 2015 Themenfokus: Arbeit neu denkenDatum: 21. bis 22. Februar 2015Ort: Essenmehr Infos unter: Hochschulbarcamp 2015 Themenfokus: Social Media und HochschuleDatum: 25. bis 26. HR BarCamp Themenfokus: PersonalwesenDatum: 26. bis 27. WJ BarCamp Themenfokus: Junge WirtschaftDatum: 27. bis 28. FoodBloggerCamp Reutlingen. About. Descriptive Video Version Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable.


On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds. Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts. Call us biased, but we think that there are dozens of reasons why you should come to a Startup Weekend! Education: Startup Weekends are all about learning through the act of creating. Build your network: This isn’t just a happy-hour. Co-Founder Dating: We all know it’s not just about the idea – it’s about the team. How to Organize a BarCamp – Tips and Pointers. Many thanks to Chris Messina for sharing the links and tips on how to organize the BarCamp style unconference.

How to Organize a BarCamp – Tips and Pointers

I thought I should share these links so the other folks organizing the PodCamps could benefit. Here are the links: BarCamp Google group: And here are some excellent step by step how to’s and do’s and don’ts. rcamp-in-your-city/ Christopher S. Here is the link: [Pinging search engines here] Pingomatic , a2b , feedster , yahoo rpc , yahoo , blogdigger , blogshares , blogsnow , blogstreet , coreblog , blogs , feedburner , syndic , weblogalot , popdex , blogrolling , technorati , weblogs , topic exchange , pubsub , my yahoo , moreover Like this: Like Loading...

Barcampboston : Message: Help organize BarCamp Boston 7. Hey friends, We have Microsoft NERD reserved on April 7th & 8th for BCB 7 -- time to get together and figure out the details for this year's awesome event! I'd love to welcome back previous organizers and invite new ones to join us. People with all skills are welcome. Time to make some calls or transport food is just as valuable to us as marketing, development, or design. Last year some key to-dos almost didn't get done due to a lack of organizers; your volunteering ensures everything goes smoothly and helps keep the individual time commitment low for all of us. If you can dedicate a bit of your spare time over February and March, take a second to let us know when you might be able to make this year's first organizers dinner, at Cinderella's in Central Square, Cambridge. ~Jay. 2012 BarCamp Tour. Ignite Talk Videos. Notes on How To Organize BarCamp[London4] – Ross Bruniges.

Organizing a BarCamp. Dummies Guide to organizing a BarCamp in your city… — amit ranjan. Since DelhiBarCamp , I’ve received a wide variety of queries about the event.

Dummies Guide to organizing a BarCamp in your city… — amit ranjan

They are coming from all quarters– people who want to organize BarCamp in their city and wish to learn from our experience; people who have heard of BarCamp before and want to explore it further; also people who have never heard of it before and would much rather believe that BarCamp is a crash course for aspiring bartenders. So here’s a back-to-the-basics guide about organizing a BarCamp in your city. This post is essentially a brain dump, where I’ve tried to pass on our learning’s from organizing DelhiBarCamp. The idea is to let others improve on our mistakes. It’s a bunch of random thoughts that may be useful to wannabe BarCampers…… (I was planning to do this earlier but it’s a lonnng post, so it took a few sittings to put this together) History of BarCamp - check out this link to learn the politics behind its inception Who can organize BarCamp - anybody can; I can, you can and so can your/my neighbor.

How to organize a barcamp. FrontPage. OrganizeALocalBarCamp. HowToGetStartedBarCampTemplate - it would be helpful to have a template for the set of pages needed for a *Camp.


E.g. the home page, the *Planners (includes volunteers), *Schedule, *Sponsors, etc.RecommendedSessions - sessions that are useful at nearly every *CampSetup a BackChannel for the Event A dedicated BackChannel can be useful for storing session notes, ideas, etc. for future recollection. There are many options to choose from on the BackChannel page.Make sure the venue is accessible. See Christiane Link's handy checklist: a Bar Camp is very important. Review this article on advertising that worksHere you'll find collection of web resources to organize a BarCamp Things that ChristopherStJohn has wondered about BarCampDallas: How to deal with sponsors? Chris Messina pointed out that cash donations for the original BarCamp were limited to $200, and went into a PayPal account. See Sponsoring for more guidelines, best practices, case studies from around the world.

Guideline #1.