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PlayToTV demo. Yap.TV用「即時聊天」在social tv大戰中勝出? - 網路科技產業. Social TV. Relying on relationships to rebuild TV audiences. Marie-José Montpetit (MIT) Social TV could improve the viewing experience and provide new business opportunities for carriers OTHERS WORKING ON SOCIAL TV BT, London, England ClipSync, San Francisco, CA Intel, Santa Clara, CA Motorola, Schaumburg, IL This article is part of an annual list of what we believe are the 10 most important emerging technologies. See the full list here. The viewership for live television broadcasts has generally been declining for years. But something surprising is happening: events such as the winter Olympics and the Grammys are drawing more viewers and more buzz.

The rebound is happening at least in part because of new viewing habits: while people watch, they are using smart phones or laptops to swap texts, tweets, and status updates about celebrities, characters, and even commercials. 打造Social TV生態系 Smart TV三大陣營成形 | 趨勢索引 | 資訊社會. 【文/拓墣產業研究所提供】 Smart TV雖仍處於起步階段,但2011至2012年的出貨量成長數字預計將十分驚人,而2011年由智慧行動終端所掀起的科技產業典範轉移,終究有一天亦將蔓延到TV。 根據拓墣產業研究所預測顯示,全球Smart TV出貨量將有機會從2010年的704萬台成長到2011年的2,518萬台,佔整體TV比重的10.4%;隨著更多TV品牌業者推出新款Smart TV,2012年全球Smart TV出貨量可望增加至5,285萬台,年成長逾100%,佔整體TV比重20%。 拓墣產業研究所張乘維經理表示,後PC時代,消費電子產品將持續進化,Smart TV將是最終戰場,其中使用者介面、遊戲、網路瀏覽器、OTT Video、社交網路、搜尋工具等為Smart TV六大關鍵成功要素,殺手級應用則非社交網路莫屬。 2010-2014全球TV、Smart TV、3DTV出貨量 TV+Social Smart TV搶攻新世代 拓墣表示,社交網路既然可以進入行動裝置市場,當然也可進入電視市場。 拓墣指出,Smart TV的殺手級應用,應當屬社交功能的出現,讓Smart TV的概念從過去建立在TV導向提供OTT/VoD服務、串流影視、實境秀、Flash影視、TV Apps、3D影視等內容,逐漸趨向社交網路導向的型式發展,吸納更多使用者、影片、社交媒體桌面工具匯集,並融合各種裝置和應用程式集大成。

三大陣營成形 比拼內容質量 社交網路導向的Smart TV產品誕生之後,作業系統平台將驅動Smart TV陣營成形,陣營內各自共享平台上的應用程式內容。 Smart TV三大陣營日漸成型 在Smart Everything時代下,每個智慧裝置都找到他們最關鍵的內容與服務。 ※相關連結》 ‧拓墣產業研究所官方網站 【數位資訊】 Vualla:iPad上的社交電視服務及其「超級碗」應用 - iPad App, 社交網絡. 聯合新聞網:「Fanwave.TV」 帶有社交功能的數位電視節目表 | Fanwave.TV 實驗室:社交、電視、行動商務. Social television. Social television is the union of television and social media. Millions of people now share their TV experience with other viewers on social media such as Twitter and Facebook using smartphones and tablets. The result is a massive and rapidly expanding real-time focus group and promotional force.[1] The social TV market covers the technologies that support communication and social interaction around TV as well as companies that study television-related social behaviour and measure social media activities tied to specific TV broadcasts[2] – many of which have attracted significant investment from established media and technology companies.

The market is also seeing numerous tie-ups between broadcasters and social networking players such as Twitter and Facebook. Much of the investment in the earlier years of social TV went into standalone social TV apps. Twitter vs Facebook[edit] As an open platform, conversation on Twitter is closely aligned with real-time events. Erika Jonietz. 社交電視.