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Movi Kanti Revo - home. NKF - Shock, soap or laser? Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2011. People, this year’s Top Ten Cutest Photos list blows 2010 and 2009 AWAY—see for yourselfs.

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2011

This morning, we checked the Xtreme Cute Overload Stat-o-Meter™ which tracks every post, checks the amount of screeching per image, and reports back. Then we know we got ya. Based on that metering system, and without further ado, here are the Top Ten Photos of 2011. Cue the Cute Lang Syne music! Just when we thought Red Goose Shoes went out of business decades ago, they go and make a comeback. Sigh. McDonald's commercial in Japan. 111113 개그콘서트 비상대책위원회. 개그콘서트 8회 111113 사마귀유치원. Chameleon was frightened by iphone (what he saw?)