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Solutions. Guide Open Source : Le référentiel des solutions open source professionnelles. 5 Business & Design Tools Every Tech Freelancer Should Learn. Guest author Danny Groner is manager of blogger partnerships and outreach for Skillfeed. When you work as a freelance designer or coder, your success or failure is entirely reliant on you.

Since there's no one else you can blame for missed deadlines or shoddy work, it's incumbent on you to keep your skills fresh, your attention fixed and your ideas polished. The people who excel working for themselves are more than just good networkers - they make themselves marketable through the array of tasks they can tackle and complete. Quite simply, they offer more opportunity and flexibility than their peers. It's always going to be easier and more efficient for a company to hire one contractor for a given project than two, or more. (See also 15 Programming Skills Most Coveted By Employers.) Developing skills in these five tools - four from Adobe, one from Microsoft - will come in handy for almost any tech freelancer: 1. 2.

(See also Adobe Just Killed Your Ability To Pirate Photoshop.) 3. 4. 5. How To Create a Windows Live Writer Twitter Plugin That Supports - Game Theory. Don’t get me wrong; I love the Twitter Notify plugin that you can download for Live Writer (which is itself the most amazing piece of software in existence today). However, I track almost all of my stuff through a account and I tweet about every blog post.

I want the option to use instead of tinyurl. So, a new plugin must be created! Looking for more tips on Writer plugin development? Check out the Top Tips for Writer Plug-in Developers at Scott Lovegrove’s blog. Right now, Writer supports plugins that run on the .NET Framework 1.1 or 2.0. You can still use VS2010, just target the project to the 2.0 framework to ensure that it will compile. Before we start, make sure that you have Windows Live Writer installed. Let’s go ahead and get started! Start by creating a new Class Library project. Adorn your class with the WriterPluginAttribute attribute using the GUID you generated.

Neiio. Increase reactivity Do not lose any information about your prospect and anticipate changing context. More info click here What is « Sales Intelligence » ? Sales Intelligence is a powerful tool, which cracks the DNA of your customers and find new qualified leads for you. It reduces your prospecting time, increases your closing deals number and improves your responsiveness to competition. Contacts manager With Sales Intelligence, Neiio wants to put sales representative's network at the centers of lead generation solution. Leads nurturing Beside detect your prospect into your network, Neiio tells you when you could make contact with them for more successful. Institutionals partners Next classic Forgot password? ( * ) Required fields I agree with OptimaSales Terms & Privacy Policy. Monae – un must pour les auto-entrepreneurs. Si vous êtes un visiteur régulier, vous savez surement que depuis peu, je suis devenu autoentrepreneur...

Mais vous savez aussi que moi et la paperasse, ça fait 3 et tenir à jour un livre de compte (même ultra simple) et commencer à manager des factures dans OpenOffice, ce n'est pas pour moi, le champion de l'organisation ! Bref, si vous êtes aussi dans ce cas de figure là, j'ai ce qu'il vous faut ! Ça s'appelle Monae, et c'est un service en ligne de facturation destiné aux auto entrepreneurs. Pas de prise de tête ici, vous gérez vos clients, vous éditez vos factures exportables en PDF, et vous savez exactement où vous en êtes de votre chiffre d'affaire, graphique à l'appui, y compris de vos cotisations mensuelles...etc...etc. L'objectif de Monae est donc de simplifier au maximum le côté chiant du statut pour tous les auto entrepreneurs un peu tête en l'air comme moi.

Le système d'alerte est aussi très bien pensé et vous préviendra même bientôt lorsque vous devrez payer vos impôts. Pack Createur Repreneur - Contenu. Téléchargement Pack Logiciels Libres version 1.3 (11 août 2011) Deuxième journée du logiciel libre - Mercredi 23 octobre 2012 (10h-18h) Immeuble Terralia 60 rue de la Vallée Amiens. (source DV - 04/10/2012) Créateurs et chefs d'entreprises, la 2e journée du logiciel libre ou "open source" vous donne l'occasion de découvrir ou mieux connaître les solutions simples, accessibles et adaptées à votre entreprise. Dans le cadre du mois de la création-reprise d'entreprises, participez aux conférences sur les logiciels libres et la sécurité informatique. La CMA80 sera présente pour vous remettre un exemplaire original du Pack Logiciels Libres. (plus d'infos et programme détaillé ). NOUVEAU - L'aide en ligne pour plus d'autonomie Accessible à toute heure vous pourrez y trouver la réponse concernant l’utilisation des logiciels proposés dans le Pack.

NOUVEAU - Le forum pour plus d'échanges Les logiciels Les logiciels clés du Pack: Autres guides de démarrage supplémentaires contenus dans le pack : Email Hosting, CRM, Project Management, Office Suite, Document M. 1. What is Zoho all about? Zoho is a suite of online applications (services) that you sign up for and access from our Website. The applications are free for individuals and some have a subscription fee for organizations. Our vision is to provide our customers (individuals, students, educators, non-profits, small and medium sized businesses) with the most comprehensive set of applications available anywhere (breadth); and for those applications to have enough features (depth) to make your user experience worthwhile. 2.

Who is behind Zoho? Zoho is a division of ZOHO Corporation A US-based company that has been creating and selling cutting edge software solutions since 1996. 3. While using Zoho your documents and data are securely stored online on our servers and can be accessed from anywhere. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kindly use the following procedure to enable the cookies in your browser : Internet Explorer In Internet Explorer, click Tools at the top of the window. Zoho Show - Online Presentation Tool. Zoho Show - Berkeley-on-Zoho-Inc-ppt by raju.