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Facebook Twitter Reach more customers with broad match. Did you know that 20% of the queries Google receives each day are ones we haven’t seen in at least 90 days, if at all? With that kind of unpredictable search behavior, it's extremely difficult to create a keyword list that covers all relevant queries using only exact match. Broad match is a great way to capitalize on those unexpected, but relevant queries. When you include a keyword as a broad match, your corresponding ad is not only eligible to appear alongside queries with that exact spelling, but it can also capture keyword expansions that include synonyms, singular/plural forms, relevant variants of your keywords, and phrases containing your keywords. Matching your ads against all these relevant query variations can have a big impact on the success of your online search campaigns.

In fact, broad match currently accounts for over 1/3 of all clicks and conversions for advertisers, worldwide. To make the most of broad match, you can run search query reports to monitor your expansions. AdWords : Générateur de mots clés. For Advertisers - Pet Stick: “A Worst-Case” Case Study. Innovations Publicitaires Google. Werbung noch nützlicher gestalten Bei Google Anzeigen-Innovationen können Sie sich über neue Marketing-Technologien informieren. Hier können Sie Demovideos ansehen, die neuesten Tools testen und Ihre Ideen einbringen, um die Zukunft der Werbung zu gestalten. Optimierungstool für Display-Kampagnen Dieses Tool optimiert die Ausrichtung und die Gebotsfestlegung für Ihre Kampagnen im Display-Netzwerk automatisch, sodass zusätzliche Conversions erzielt werden.

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