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"The Carnival of the Animals" Movement 7 (Aquarium) Most Creative & Luxury Bathtubs. There’s place for creativity and imagination in every small thing that surrounds us.

Most Creative & Luxury Bathtubs

Taking my morning shower in a standard bathroom with a standard bathtub I was dreaming of something special, something that would inspire me no matter where in my apartment I am. Creative designers know that people want special things and take their best to work in this direction. Even such a seemingly standard thing as the bathtub can become a true piece of art and not only cause the “wow” exclamations but give magic feeling of comfort and relaxation that we so deeply miss and lack in this mad business world. In this post you will find a collection of charming designer bathtubs created over the last few years. Made from different materials, in different shapes, colors and full of different devices, all these bathtubs are meant to make you feel special and they perfectly cope with this task.

LED-lighted whirltub by Duravit This beautiful bathtub has a 115 mm rim that can be used as a comfortable seat. Birth to 12 years in 2 min. 45 sec. Time Lapse Lotte. End Piece. Alberto Giacometti (1901–1966).

End Piece

Bust of a Man, plaster, 1965. When Giacometti left Paris on December 5, 1965, his brother Diego offered to make a mould of his latest statue in order to cast a bronze from it. “No,” Alberto told him, “it is not finished yet. I must do some more work on it.” Ana Mendieta (1948–1985). Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944). Piet Mondrian (1872–1944). Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968). Felix Gonzalez-Torres (1957–1996). Joseph Beuys (1921–1986). MillionShort. Million Short is an experimental web search engine (really, more of a discovery engine) that allows you to REMOVE the top million (or top 100k, 10k, 1k, 100) sites from the results set.


We thought it might be somewhat interesting to see what we'd find if we just removed an entire slice of the web. The thinking was the same popular sites (we're not saying popular equals irrelevant) show up again and again, Million Short makes it easy to discover sites that just don't make it to the top of the search engine results for whatever reason (poor SEO, new site, small marketing budget, competitive keyword(s) etc.).

Необычный велосипед без мертвых точек. Stringbike. Hungarian designers from the manufacturing company Schwinn Csepel Zrt, unveiled the bicycle in 2010 in Padova, Italy.[7] References[edit] External links[edit] Website.


Birth of the Microphone: How Sound Became Signal. Tourbillon de poussière. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Tourbillon de poussière

Un tourbillon de poussière se forme par beau temps, lorsque de l'air sec et instable entre en rotation et soulève la poussière ou le sable du sol. Les tourbillons de poussières sont appelés willy-willies[1],[2]en Australie, d'après un mot aborigène, et dust devils aux États-Unis. Les Arabes pensaient que ces phénomènes étaient liés aux djinns. Ces tourbillons ont un diamètre allant de quelques centimètres à plus de 10 mètres et ont une extension verticale de quelques mètres à plus de mille mètres. La plupart des tourbillons de poussière ne sont pas dangereux mais certains sont assez puissants pour soulever des objets lourds.

Principes physiques[modifier | modifier le code] Cause[modifier | modifier le code] Dans une région où l'insolation est importante, l'air se réchauffe près de la surface du sol. Comme le sol n'est pas chauffé uniformément, il y aura des différences entre deux points voisins du sol. Un tourbillon de flammes. BAROQUE.ME.