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HEART. Kayaking Down a Drainage Ditch. Portraits of Grandmas and Their Cuisine From Around the World. EmailEmail Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti realized that trying to not overeat over at your grandma’s place has got to be a universal thing, and set out to explore what grandmothers cook around the world.

Portraits of Grandmas and Their Cuisine From Around the World

His Delicatessen With Love photo series portray grandmothers from 58 different countries, each posing right before they start cooking and then presenting their signature dish in the end. His own grandma and a dish of her raviolis was what gave Gabriele the idea for the project. Check out these photos, radiant with love and care! Website: Armenia, Tolma (Roll of Beef and Rice Wrapped into Grape Leaves) Haiti (Lambi in Creole Sauce) Malawi, Finkubala (Caterpillar in Tomato Sauce) Morocco, Bat Bot (Berber Bread Baked in a Pan) Italy (Swiss Chard and Ricotta Ravioli with Meat Sauce)

Delicatessen with love. Eat, Eat, Eat!!!

Delicatessen with love

From Grandma with love I will never forget grandma Sara’s artichokes. They have become a cult since when a famous Spanish cooking blog published their recipe, which I transcribed from memory, following the thread of the taste left in my mouth (just like Proust’s madeleine). Gabriele Galimberti pays homage to all the grandmothers in the world and to their love for good cooking, starting from his own grandma Marisa who, before the departure for his tour around the world by couchsurfing, took care to prepare her renowned ravioli.

She was not so concerned about the possible risks or mishaps her grandson might face in his adventurous travelling worldwide, but her major worry was, “what will he eat?”. Buonappetito! Arianna Rinaldo. Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise. How I draw an empty potato chips bag. 10 Most Incredible Sinkholes. Image Source From the mountains of China to the warm waters of the Caribbean, sinkholes pockmark the surface of our planet.

10 Most Incredible Sinkholes

These phenomena – which almost make the Earth look as if it’s being devoured from within – resemble vertical caves and are home to a plethora of exciting discoveries, including unique floating islands, strange stalactites, rare plants and endangered animals. Mysterious-seeming as well as awe-inspiring, these natural occurrences attract scientists, tourists, BASE jumpers and divers from all over the globe. Here’s a look at 10 of the most incredible sinkholes in the world. 10. Image Source Situated on New Britain island in Papua New Guinea, the Minyé sinkhole drops to an astonishing depth of 1,673 feet (510 meters). The Minyé sinkhole is also 1,148 feet (350 meters) wide, meaning four Boeing 747 jumbo jets lined end to end would easily fit across it, with almost enough space for a fifth. 9.

Image Source 8. Image Source 7. Image Source 6. Image Source 5. Image Source 4. 3. Doline. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Petite doline au fond de laquelle les argiles de décalcification permettent l'accumulation d'eau (et de neige en l'occurrence). JEZ20050b-X2. Ice Beard. Pacioli. Petit rhombicuboctaèdre. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Petit rhombicuboctaèdre

Petit rhombicuboctaèdre La première version imprimée d'un petit rhombicuboctaèdre, par Léonard de Vinci qui apparait dans la Divine Proportion Signification du nom[modifier | modifier le code] Le nom rhombicuboctaèdre fait référence au fait que 12 des faces carrées sont placées dans les mêmes plans que les 12 faces du dodécaèdre rhombique qui est le dual du cuboctaèdre. Il peut aussi être appelé un cube étendu ou un octaèdre étendu à partir des opérations de troncatures du polyèdre uniforme. Données géométriques[modifier | modifier le code] Les coordonnées cartésiennes pour un rhombicuboctaèdre sont toutes les permutations de Il existe des distorsions du petit rhombicuboctaèdre telles que, alors que certaines faces ne sont pas des polygones réguliers, elles sont encore uniformes par les sommets. Le petit rhombicuboctaèdre est un espace rempli par une combinaison de cubes et de tétraèdres.

Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Bot_redirect. Adventures of a Serial Trespasser - In Focus. Bradley Garrett, a photographer and researcher with a background in anthropology and archeology, has spent the past five years of his life exploring hidden and forgotten parts of cities all over the world.

Adventures of a Serial Trespasser - In Focus

Sneaking into sewers and bunkers, through metro tunnels and up skyscrapers, Garrett calls his work place-hacking: "I see the access to secret spatial information available to those willing to dive through the loopholes in the system as akin to virtual hacking. " These images, selections from his new book Explore Everything, from over 300 locations in eight countries, relays some of the excitement, terror, and wonder that comes with being a serial trespasser. [21 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Atop the Forth Rail Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, in May of 2012. Garrett: "I had gone to a job interview at the University of Edinburgh (which I didn't get) and after the interview I stuffed my suit in my backpack and climbed the bridge to take this shot".