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The Problem Site: Problem Solving and Educational Games. Combination Lock - Math Games - Maths Game - Number Games - Jaap's Puzzle Page. TANGRAM - The oldest chinese puzzle. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles. Erich's Puzzle Palace. Blue Eyes - A Logic Puzzle. If you like formal logic, graph theory, sappy romance, bitter sarcasm, puns, or landscape art, check out my webcomic, xkcd. Blue Eyes:The Hardest Logic Puzzle in the World A group of people with assorted eye colors live on an island. They are all perfect logicians -- if a conclusion can be logically deduced, they will do it instantly. No one knows the color of their eyes. On this island there are 100 blue-eyed people, 100 brown-eyed people, and the Guru (she happens to have green eyes). The Guru is allowed to speak once (let's say at noon), on one day in all their endless years on the island.

"I can see someone who has blue eyes. " Who leaves the island, and on what night? There are no mirrors or reflecting surfaces, nothing dumb. And lastly, the answer is not "no one leaves. " I've done my best to make the wording as precise and unambiguious as possible (after working through the explanation with many people), but if you're confused about anything, please let me know.

Riddles ~ Brain Teasers ~ Puzzles ~ Trivia ~ Play Free Games Online - Riddles Home. Expand Your Mind - Puzzles and Brain Teasers. To expand your mind you need to learn new facts and develop new modes of thinking that will make the information that you already know more useful. Solving the following problems requires a combination of world knowledge, mathematics, common sense, logic, and science (chemistry, physics). This is not an IQ test. There is no time limit.

To expand your mind, do not look at the answers until after you have made an honest effort to figure out the problems. The Bear A bear walks south for one kilometer, then it walks west for one kilometer, then it walks north for one kilometer and ends up at the same point from which it started. The Chicken and Egg Problem A chicken farmer has figured out that a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half. The Chicken and Leg Problem A chicken farmer also has some cows for a total of 30 animals, and the animals have 74 legs in all. The Bacteriologist At what time was the container half full? How big was the container? Moon Photographer Eye Puzzle. Lateral Puzzles. Nick's Mathematical Puzzles. Welcome to my selection of mathematical puzzles. What's new? See puzzle 160. The math puzzles presented here are selected for the deceptive simplicity of their statement, or the elegance of their solution. They range over geometry, probability, number theory, algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and logic.

All require a certain ingenuity, but usually only pre-college math. Some puzzles are original. Explaining how an answer is arrived at is more important than the answer itself. Each puzzle is assigned a level of difficulty of between one and four stars, with four being the most difficult. The source for each problem is given at the bottom of the solution page. I welcome feedback of any kind. Some brief biographical information. Nick Back to top. Jim Loy's Puzzle Page. Category:Puzzles.

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The Ultimate Puzzle Site - Brain-Teasers. Five sailors survive a shipwreck and swim to a tiny island where there is nothing but a coconut tree and a monkey. The sailors gather all the coconuts and put them in a big pile under the tree. Exhausted, they agree to go to wait until the next morning to divide the coconuts. At one o'clock in the morning, the first sailor wakes up. He realizes that he cannot trust the others, and decides to take his share now. He divides the coconuts into five equal piles, but there is one coconut left over. At two o'clock, the second sailor wakes up. At three, four, and five o'clock in the morning, the third, fourth, and fifth sailors each wake up and carry out the same actions. In the morning, all the sailors wake up, and try to look innocent. Ponder this | pages. You are cordially invited to match wits with some of the best minds in IBM Research. Seems some of us can't see a problem without wanting to take a crack at solving it. Does that sound like you?

Good. Forge ahead and ponder this month's problem. We'll post a new one every month, and allow a month for you to submit solutions (we may even publish submitted answers, especially if they're correct). Here is the solution for our March 2014 problem.And now... here's our April challenge! So give your mind a break from its routine---you never know what other problems you may solve in the process! The current puzzlemaster is Oded Margalit. The Ultimate Puzzle Site - Puzzles, riddles, quizzes, and tests... :: logic puzzles, brainteasers, riddles and math tricks. RecPuzzlesArchive - Home Page. Brain Teasers! Sam Loyd's Cyclopedia of Puzzles. The Cyclopedia of Puzzles copcover.jpg75.85 KB or Sam Loyd's Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles, Tricks, and Conundrums (With Answers) Not to be confused with Scrubs actor Sam Lloyd, who for example plays an expert poker player in the movie The Fifth. Want everything here? Download it at I hereby put this version of Sam Loyd's 1914 work into the public domain. Return to or's Math Games Created by IrfanView. What Are Brain Binders? Logic Problems - Very Easy. Logic Puzzles <p style="font-style:bold; color:red"> Warning: Solutions are currently displayed.

To hide and show the solutions as desired, enable javascript on your browser </span></p> 1. The Camels Four tasmanian camels traveling on a very narrow ledge encounter four tasmanian camels coming the other way. As everyone knows, tasmanian camels never go backwards, especially when on a precarious ledge. The camels didn't see each other until there was only exactly one camel's width between the two groups. How can all camels pass, allowing both groups to go on their way, without any camel reversing?

Show Hint Show Solution Hint: Use match sticks or coins to simulate the puzzle. Solution: First a camel from one side moves forward, then two camels from the other side move forward, then three camels from the first side move forward etc... etc... 2. Three men in a cafe order a meal the total cost of which is $15. Now, each of the men effectively paid $4, the total paid is therefore $12. Show Solution 3. Brain Boosters offers kids' educational activities online. Logic puzzles, riddles and math puzzles - pzzls. Brain Teasers & Math Puzzles : Puzzle & Brain Teaser Collection. Brain Food. Brain Teasers, Logic Puzzles, Math Games and More. Free Word Puzzles, Math Puzzles & Games to Print. The Grey Labyrinth. All-Star Puzzles.

Puzzles.COM - The World's Best Resource for Puzzling on the Internet. Brain Games and Mind Puzzles | Play With Your Mind. Puzzles and Tests (Archimedes Laboratory Project) Games for the Brain. Puzzles & Games: Sudoku, Crosswords, Chess, Checkers & More. Brain Teasers. Braingle: Brain Teasers, Puzzles, Riddles, Trivia and Games. BrainBashers : Puzzles and Brain Teasers.