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Facebook Twitter Printing in 3D - JavaSCAD. Our little model generator framework After we had been using OpenSCAD for months and learnt its limitations we decided we should write something which helps creating complex models. Our obvious choice was Java, because both of us are expert Java developers and the cross-platform support for Java is ideal to generate code for the equally cross-platform OpenSCAD. This led to the creation of JavaSCAD, a simple framework in Java. The basic concept is to represent the OpenSCAD primitive objects with a Java objects and build more complex ones from them. You can download the pre-compiled distribution package from here, the JavaDoc API is available from here and is also included in the package. We released the source code on GitHub. The library is under the GNU GPL licence v2. If you have any comments, suggestions, improvements or questions regarding JavaSCAD feel free to contact us - especially if you have experience to compile or use it on other operating systems than Windows®.

Minor bugfixes. The Worlwide List of Open Source Hardware Online Stores. Latest update: May 21st 2013. Thanks everyone for your comments! Don’t spend any more time browsing desperately the internetz to find parts for your RepRap, Arduino kits or local sensors and PCBs distributors for your new project. I put together this worldwide list of online stores selling open source hardware. There is a big chance your country is in it and that you will finally find your favourite local online store to get open source electronics, robotics, parts, kits, materials and supplies for your hardware projects. Leave a comment below the post if you own an online store that is not in the list or if you know a great online resource that should be in it. A world map made of old motherboards ©Susan Stockwell 2012. Photo Syd Sheldon. Detail of Susan Stockwell’s map.

a2aPrinter: RepRap 3D printers ABRA Electronics Aztec MCU Prototyping BC-Robotics Canada Robotix Cana Kit Creatron Inc. DIIGIIT Robotics eckertech: RepRap parts and printers eWerksonline Lee’s Electronic MixShop Proto Advantage Elexp. I Wood. OpenDesk - Open Source Furniture — Made Locally. Raspberri Pi. List of Arduino boards and compatible systems. This is a non-exhaustive list of Arduino boards and compatible systems. It lists boards in these categories: Released under the official Arduino nameArduino "shield" compatibleDevelopment-environment compatibleBased on non-Atmel processors Where different from the Arduino base feature set, compatibility, features, and licensing details are included.

Official Arduino versions[edit] Many versions of the official Arduino hardware have been commercially produced to date:[1][2] Superseded versions[edit] The following have been superseded by later and more capable versions from Arduino, but some, particularly the Duemilanove, are still in widespread use. Arduino-compatible boards[edit] Although the hardware and software designs are freely available under copyleft licenses, the developers have requested that the name "Arduino" be exclusive to the official product and not be used for derivative works without permission.

[edit] Special purpose Arduino-compatible boards[edit] Non-ATmega boards[edit] Fablab pédagogique : Apprendre en faisant et en expérimentant (écoles, EPN et formations) L’avenir est-il aux fablabs pédagogiques ? Ce nouveau concept essaime actuellement dans le monde scolaire et également dans le secteur des EPN (espaces publics numériques). Renouvellement pédagogique ou non, telle est la question !? Qu’est-ce qu’un fablab pédagogique ?

Un modèle de fablab adapté au monde de l’éducation, des EPN et de la formation qui valorise concrètement la collaboration et l’intelligence collective. L’objectif est de faire travailler ensemble un même secteur métier (les enseignants, les formateurs, les animateurs multimédia des EPN) mais aussi bien entendu les « élèves », apprenants, stagiaires en « fabriquant » l’éducation, la formation… Bref, « faire cours » c’est d’abord faire : fabriquer, tester, inventer, prototyper… en documentant le « faire » (tutoriels, guides…). Les enseignants, d’abord des « makers » (faiseurs) ? Si la formule parait de prime abord provocatrice, le but est aussi de détourner les outils et de construire des projets. Les proflabs Fablab pédago.