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Rekolekcje ojca Augustyna Pelanowskiego. Korzy­sta­jąc z nocy (czy­taj przy­zwo­itego prze­syłu danych przez modem), chciał­bym zamie­ścić reko­lek­cje ojca Augu­styna Pela­now­skiego OSPPE, do któ­rych już kie­dyś zamiesz­cza­łem link.

Rekolekcje ojca Augustyna Pelanowskiego

Nie­stety zamiesz­czone wtedy pliki mp3 nie były kom­pletne. Mam więc przy­jem­ność zamie­ścić całość, moim skrom­nym zda­niem jed­nych z naj­lep­szych reko­lek­cji jakie słyszałem. Myślę, że nie tylko dla mnie była to uczta duchowa. Dobrym podzię­ko­wa­niem będzie modli­twa za ojca Augustyna. (zdję­cie za ser­wi­sem gość.pl) Tygodnik Katolicki Niedziela. Czytania na każdy dzień. FlyLady. Dear Friends, Why do we allow our perfectionism to creep in even when we are only going to do 15 minutes worth of decluttering?


You know what I am talking about!!! That nasty little voice in your head that says, “I don’t have time right now to declutter!” I can’t stand those words. They are the foundation of perfectionism and procrastination. “I DON’T HAVE TIME” IS A LIE!!!! Do you want to know why we won’t allow ourselves to declutter for 15 minutes? This is why I want to teach you how to clean out an area without it being an all day or all week disaster that you have to kill yourself over. SHEs will follow directions but only to the point that they get overwhelmed. I want you to be clutter extractors not a one woman demolition team. Do not allow your perfectionism to get in the way of your new way of decluttering!

Go set your timer and extract the clutter from a drawer. FlyLady. The Science of Single-Tasking For Extreme Productivity. How many browser tabs do you have open right now?

The Science of Single-Tasking For Extreme Productivity

While writing this post, I had 18 tabs open. I’d like to say they were all for research, although I’m pretty sure one or two slipped down a YouTube wormhole. Does this sound familiar? It seems like my multi-tab madness is right in line with the status quo. Ajurwedyjski plan dnia, czyli nie bój się rutyny. RUTYNA większości z nas kojarzy się negatywnie, jako nudna, bezbarwna, zabójcza.

Ajurwedyjski plan dnia, czyli nie bój się rutyny

Jak we wszystkim we wszechświecie i tutaj warto zauważyć i uznać prawo RóWNOWAGI. Małemu dziecku potrzebny jest codzienny porządek dnia, który jako powtarzalna, przewidywalna rzecz daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa a także odmierza czas, nie do ogarnięcia w swej długości dla małego umysłu. Free wardrobe planner. Project333.pdf. Unfancy_example.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000 × 1565 pixels) - Scaled (64%) 7b50128e83711726f6d5e97ad8bbbddc.jpg (JPEG Image, 592 × 833 pixels) Keep – notatki i listy. Adult ADD / ADHD: Signs, Symptoms, Effects, and Treatment.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing Audiobook. 7 Places to Create Space for Ease and Clarity. When you come home and walk into a calm, clutter-free space, you can easily leave any rush or craziness from the day behind, but when you walk into a cluttered, chaotic space, the mess magnifies the crazy.

7 Places to Create Space for Ease and Clarity

The same idea holds true in other spaces too. We need to make space for our lives to unfold with ease and clarity. 1. Cabinet Space Even though your clutter is hidden behind closed doors, you know it’s there. If you have trouble finding things you use everyday, or use your cabinets as blinders to the mess that’s built up over time, make space. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cultivate creative space by consuming what inspires your creativity and limiting the rest. 27 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized. By Leo Babauta It’s a rare person among us who doesn’t feel the need to get more organized.

27 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized

I consider myself fairly organized, for example, but there are times when I get a little lax about my organizational rules, and there’s always room for improvement. And if you’re already organized (read: you’re an organizational freak), chances are, you like to read about others’ organizational systems. As such, there should be something for everyone on this list. A couple of weeks ago, I asked all of you for your best organizational tips and tools.

I must emphasize: these are not my tips, but yours, and when you see the word “I” it refers to the reader writing the tip, not me. A Bowl Full of Lemons. Life. Organized. Sneak Peek for the Week. February 1 - 7, 2015 This week we are in Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day Zone 1: Mission #1 Monday Dear Friends: We are in Zone 1 this week, that is the Front Porch, the Entrance area and the Dining Room. Sneak Peek for the Week

Today you are to sweep your front porch area around your front door. Spend 15 minutes taking care of this, you will be pleased with the results! Zone 1: Mission #2 Tuesday We are going to have a multi room mission today, it might take you longer than 15 minutes to do it, so set your timer for each room and FLY through it! For the Front Porch, Entrance and Dining Room, put out the fires that are burning in your hot spots. They are smoldering so get to it! Zone 1: Mission #3 Wednesday Today take a look at the walls and the windows in your dining room. Be careful with the walls as not to rub too hard to remove paint if you have a flat finish. Zone 1: Mission #4 Thursday Zone 1: Mission #5 Friday This is one babystep at a time!