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Music. –  Current. Joe Rogan. Jason Silva. || Contact me: Info(at)ThisIsJasonSilva(dot)com "A Timothy Leary of the Viral Video Age" was how The Atlantic described television personality, media artist, filmmaker and techno-philosopher Jason Silva, who has also been described as "part Timothy Leary, part Ray Kurzweil, and part Neo from 'The Matrix.'... The TED Conference called Jason a "Performance Philosopher", others have called Silva 'The new Carl Sagan' for his poetic, impassioned and inspirational take on scientific and technological advancements, his riveting on-stage delivery style, and his hyper-enthusiastic insights on creativity, innovation, technology, philosophy and the human condition.

His non-commercial series of short videos, aptly named 'shots of philosophical espresso', explore the co-evolution of humans and technology and have gone viral with over 2 million views and "play like movie trailers for ideas," according to The Atlantic. Follow on twitter: @JasonSilva.


Rainy Mood. Books.