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David Smith

Blogger at bodHOST

What is an SPF record? bodHOST. The SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is the equivalent of a TXT record that determines which domain name has permission to send emails using the server.

What is an SPF record? bodHOST

Curbing email spoofing is its main goal. This task is best accomplished by merging it with a DMARC record. The DNS (Domain name service) has a record of SPF published in it and also entails a list of authorized email servers which take the responsibility of sending emails for your Domain using its name. If the record section does not have the sender’s email and an email is sent under your domain’s name, it is considered illegitimate and has the potential to reject by the receiver of your email.

Your email deliverability will be improved by having a well set up SPF record. History of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) SPF was referred to for the first time in 2000. An attempt at combining Microsoft’s Caller ID and SPF was done by an SPF working group of IETF. Cloud Storage for Web Designers. Earlier, cloud catered primarily to programmers.

Cloud Storage for Web Designers

However, that is not the case anymore. A majority of cloud providers give cloud services and products with interfaces that are easy to navigate. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cloud Computing. Cloud computing services have transformed from Google App Engine and Azure platforms to a framework that includes equipment like machines for storage and computing.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cloud Computing

Along with this, data platform services are offered by cloud providers that cover all the various databases available. The rapid progress being made in these sectors prophesies an exponential growth in Cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence. What is Artificial Intelligence? Stimulated intelligence in machines is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). It refers to the machines embodying intellectual abilities, thus far unique to humans, such as discovering meaning, the aptitude to reason, to generalize, or learn from the past.

World Backup Day : Tips to Prevent Data Loss. Managed VPS Hosting with 24x7 Support. Advantages of Using Frontity for Your WordPress Projects. While building your website you’ll have a wide variety of JavaScript frameworks to choose from to help you make functional and attractive front ends.

Advantages of Using Frontity for Your WordPress Projects

However, if you choose to use WordPress headless, you could easily get lost in the nitty-gritty of WordPress, as well as, using WordPress API in order to get data. Frontity is the perfect solution for all of your problems. It is a framework that has been built to complement WordPress and all of its features. Frontity saves you a lot of time by automatically getting packages from the WordPress API and turning it into data that is then dealt with rather easily in the React code.

This leaves you ample time to invest in your front end. 1. Several websites can be supplied content from one Frontity installation. Frontity offers separate packages for each one of your sites in case you choose to use one installation for several sites. 2. The performance of your website can be significantly upgraded through the Frontity React framework.

How to Create an Effective Data Backup Strategy. Data Backup is the safety net that helps you recover your data if the original data gets corrupted or lost.

How to Create an Effective Data Backup Strategy

It is a simple process of making a duplicate of all the data on your system which also allows you to recover older files that you might have deleted. A majority of organizations and businesses keep their important data safe through backup, which makes it one of the most crucial elements of every company’s recovery plan in case of disaster and strategy to keep the business going uninterrupted. Why is data back up so important? The infrastructure that our modern world is built on is extremely reliant on data. Top 10 Reasons to Have a Mobile Website. How to Manage Email Disk Usage in cPanel. This article explains how to manage e-mail disk space usage in cPanel.

How to Manage Email Disk Usage in cPanel

This enables you to view all of your mailboxes and delete old or large messages. Managing e-mail disk usage To manage email disk usage, follow these steps: 1. How to Scale Your WooCommerce to a Large Scale Online Store. WooCommerce provides the perfect flexibility to scale your business and gives it ample room to grow.

How to Scale Your WooCommerce to a Large Scale Online Store

It can easily accommodate several products. So you can build a store of any size you want. The 6 Best Types of Web Hosting to Consider in 2021. Introduction A web host is present for every site, but their way of hosting is not the same.

The 6 Best Types of Web Hosting to Consider in 2021

It depends on the type of web hosting service you subscribed to. Before you start your website it is important to know about the various types of web hosting options available so that you can make an informed decision. You should take your time while making this decision as it can have a great impact on the growth of your website as your business progresses. There might be some who are already subscribed to a web hosting plan but are unsatisfied with it. Whatever the case may be, here’s a guide to define the various web hosting plans available, their benefits and pitfalls, and the best plans that might suit your needs. SSL Social. How to Transfer Domain Name with Minimum Downtime?

Follow the steps given below to get your domain name transferred with ease- 1.

How to Transfer Domain Name with Minimum Downtime?

Sign up with a new web hosting and at the same time, don’t cancel your old existing hosting account. Make sure that you don’t let your hosting provider get aware that you will be canceling the services 2. You have the new existing account details with the old host server’s website running. 3. 4. 5. 6. How Cloud Compliance Helps Achieve Success. After going through the topic, most of you might have felt whether Cloud-based compliance does really play an important role towards an organization’s success or not.

How Cloud Compliance Helps Achieve Success

Well, the answer to your curiosity is YES! Compliance with Cloud has been a key challenge for many organizations. The need for Cloud-based compliances pop-up as soon as one decides to migrate his data on the Cloud. When to Upgrade Your Web Hosting Services. Shared hosting over the years has emerged to become the preferred web hosting solution. For many website owners, it offers all the resources they require for no excessive costs. However, web hosting services may reach a saturation point, demanding an upgrade. How to Access Web Disk in cPanel? The web disk account allows you to easily navigate, upload and download files between the user and web servers.

With the help of the drag-and-drop interface, you can access your website files, similar to the way they are stored on a local drive. Setting Up a Web Disk Account Follow the steps given here to set up your web disk account- 1.Sign in to your cPanel Account. 2. 3. Analyzing Why Small Business Websites Need WordPress. Being a business owner of a small business, everyone wishes to have their professional website.

These websites play a crucial role as it contains all the essential information of a company. However, setting up a business using WordPress Hosting can be a cost-effective option, making it easy to run. WordPress helps small businesses to create their professional websites with great ease. What are other reasons that have made it the most preferred choice for building their website? 1. [Infographic] Christmas Web Hosting Deals 2020. Important Considerations Before Domain Name Registration. Selecting the perfect domain name for a business is inherently important.

However, it can become a challenge, as well. Getting the right domain name for a website results directly in huge website traffic volume, thereby improving digital presence. Christmas Web Hosting Offers 2020. Ho Ho Ho!! Merry Christmas!! Santa and exciting gifts are on your way. We all know that due to the current pandemic, this year’s Christmas will be slightly different. This Christmas, your favorite web hosting provider, bodHOST, is coming up with exciting offers to multi-fold your happiness and joy.

This time, bodHOST has come up with five exclusive web hosting offers for its customers at the best costs and unmatched personalized Support. How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate for a Domain in Plesk? In this article, learn to install a free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate for a domain using Plesk Onyx. Important Note: Before securing your domain using a Let’s Encrypt SSL, ensure that the domain resolves to the Public IP address of the Plesk server over the Internet. Determining Why Windows Shared Hosting is Perfect for You.

Determining Why Windows Shared Hosting is Perfect for You : davsmith123. Error 509 - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. The BIGGEST Black Friday Web Hosting Deals. Exploring the Benefits of SSL Certificates. Anyone today who uses a website or hosts a blog needs to install an SSL Certificate mandatorily. With cybersecurity on the rise, SSL Certificates have become inevitable. Cloud: The Digital Transformation Enabler. Business organizations worldwide have now started realizing the need for digital transformation as newer and advanced technologies such as- AI, ML, IoT as they can disrupt the traditional methods out of place. Similarly, the shift in consumer needs and behavior requires businesses to ensure that digital transformation is placed well to grow further. Without leveraging the Cloud technology, the companies cannot have a clear roadmap for their digital transformation journey.

4 Ways in Which Web Hosting Impacts SEO - bodHOST. Yes, web hosting does have an impact on SEO. Tips for Ensuring VPS Security - bodHOST. A VPS or Virtual Private Server is known for offering a full-blown server’s advantages without any hindrance. By leveraging a VPS, one gets complete control of his servers, without any additional need for managing the network settings and configuration. Spooky Halloween Web Hosting Offers You Can’t Resist!! Halloween originally started as an ancient Celtic festival in Samhain’s name, where people used to light bonfires and wear dresses for scaring away the ‘dark spirits’ and ghosts. In today’s time, Halloween is celebrated as an annual holiday on October 31 in the western countries. How Fake Election Domains Can Possess Online Risk to US Voters. With the US Presidential Elections less than a month away, a leading cybersecurity firm decided to look into its last year’s report on typo squatters looking to target next month’s elections.

Typo squatters are a group of cybercriminals that often target popular websites or keywords and register an incorrectly spelled domain name. Typosquatting is also known as URL hijacking, where the cybercriminals intend to attract visitors to their products, services, scams or even malware. Everything You Need to Know About Website Backups. For any business, today, having a dedicated website represents the business’s digital identity. It is the first virtual line of interaction taking place between the business and its customers. These websites contain all the essential information that any customer wishes to know about a company. [Infographics] Essential eCommerce Website Security Tips. Protecting WordPress Websites from SQL Injection Attacks.

Everything You Need to Know About Website Backups. Everything You Need to Know About Website Backups. 5 Ways to Secure Dedicated servers - Web Hosting Infographics. Best 6 Practices for Securing Dedicated Servers - bodHOST. Managed Dedicated Server @$85/mo. Discovering Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing - Web Hosting Infographics. Managed Dedicated Server Hosting. Managed Dedicated Server Hosting. How to Remove Multiple Files Using Command Line - bodHOST. Here's How Cloud Migration Enhances Customer Experience.

Proven Techniques for Preventing a Cloud Data Breach. 5 Underlying Benefits of Public Cloud for SMBs. BodHOST Cloud Hosting Solutions. 5 Benefits of Hosting Emails on VPS. Tips for Determining the Perfect Domain Name for a Business Website. BodHOST Independence Day 2020 Web Hosting Promotion. Independence Day Web Hosting Offers. Dedicated hosting solutions. How to reduce the size of SQL Server Database. COVID-19 Testing & Detection in Just 5 Minutes. [Infographics] Growth of VPS Hosting on a Global Level. Let's Explore Email Signing Certificates - Web Hosting Infographics. What makes WordPress Hosting best for Small Business? - bodHOST. BodHOST World Password Day 2020.

3 Rules of Thumb to Follow This World Password Day. Top-6 Website Security Practices That Businesses Must Follow. Easter Web Hosting Deals and Offers 2020 - bodHOST. How to Celebrate Easter while Working from Home. Top 5 Benefits of Email SSL Certificates - bodHOST. How to Secure Your Data When Working From Home during Coronavirus. Managed R1Soft Backups & Data Protection - Reliable Backup Solution. Top 5 Reasons You Should Choose Server Virtualization for Your Business. Top 5 Reasons You Should Choose Server Virtuali... Securing Websites Against Phishing Scam Attacks. Here’s Why Investing in Dedicated Servers is a Great Option. cPanel or Plesk: Which Control Panel to Choose?

How You Can Perform Website Migration with ZERO Downtime. How to Enhance Website User Experience Through Web Hosting? Let’s Explore Common Website Security Vulnerabilities. Latest Data Center Trends in 2020 and beyond - bodHOST. 3 Sectors That Benefited Most from Hosting Services. Why You Need a Private Domain Registration - bodHOST. Understanding the Benefits of Managed Hosting for Small Businesses. Explore the Benefits of Image Hosting Using CDN. VPS Shutting Down? Don’t Worry bodHOST to Your Rescue. Explore the Benefits of Image Hosting Using CDN. What is an A Record? – Knowledge Base – bodHOST. Understanding the Need of Data Center and Its Services.

A Buyer’s Guide : cPanel Hosting. Black Friday: Discovering the History of Biggest Sales Event. Ransomware Attacks : What are They and How to Avoid? Billing Policies – bodHOST. Spooky Halloween Web Hosting Offers You Can’t Resist!! 8 Prominent Web Hosting Services. Why a Web Hosting Plan is Crucial for Your Website Speed. 5 Reasons to Consider When Upgrading to VPS Hosting. 10 Benefits of Web Hosting for Small Businesses - Bodhost.

Top 7 Reasons to Have a Dedicated Server Hosting. 9 Reasons to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting. An In-Depth Comparison of cPanel and VPS Hosting - Bodhost. How Cloud Adoption for Enterprises Take Place. Why Page Speed Matters for a Website. 6 Points to Consider For Choosing a Dedicated Server Hosting - Bodhost. Choose the Best WordPress Hosting Service Provider with These Key Tips. Why Hiring a Fully Managed Web Hosting Service is Vital for You? An In-Depth Comparison of cPanel and VPS Hosting - Bodhost.