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Quo Warranto:ONLY THE PEOPLE CAN SAVE AMERICA. Quo Warranto ONLY THE PEOPLE CAN SAVE AMERICA | Nutty Governments | Pinterest | Liberty, America and People. THE PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OVER NORTH AMERICA OF OCT 2014... WATCH: Mark Levin Almost Pops A Vein As He Tears Into Obama For Putting The Country In Peril. The Invasion of America: How the United States Took Over an Eighth of the World.

The Invasion of America. Reagan- America Is The Last Stand On Earth | Sovereignty | Pinterest | Ronald Reagan, Freedom and America. The deliberate dumbing down of america. Wealth Inequality in America | For Your Thoughts | Pinterest | Wealth, America and Videos. The Bush family was created to destroy America. The United States Of America Is Being Transformed Into A Giant Prison | Nutty Governments | Pinterest | Prison, America and Technology.

Bob Renner - Timeline Photos. Network - Mad as Hell Scene. Open letter to agents of the crown. Study: African tuberculosis wiped out most American Indians before European contact. A new study conducted by professor Anne Stone, of Arizona State University, suggests to us that White people have no need to feel guilty about the alleged killing of the majority of American Indians with diseases. Professor Stone studied the strains of tuberculosis found on the bones of seals and sea lions in Peru, and concluded that sea creatures traveling from Africa to South America carried the tuberculosis that wiped out many American Indians. The theory is that animals in Africa, or most likely humans, passed tuberculosis on to sea lions and seals which then swam across to South America, infecting humans on the coast with the disease.

The researchers believe that once tuberculosis spread into South America, it was carried up into North America. “What we found was really surprising. “We found that the tuberculosis strains were most closely related to strains in seals and sea lions.” Also, the team looked at the DNA strains of the disease. March 24, 2014 In "Europe" January 31, 2012. Moreorless : Heroes and killers of the 20th century. North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into eastern waters: Japan. North Korea Publicly Executes 80 for Possessing Bibles. White Race Suicide. White Race Suicide | Conspiracy Facts | Pinterest | Watches. Welcome Cost of War Visitors Thanks for visiting National Priorities Project's Cost of War page. You are being... About | Embed | Notes & Sources To embed the Cost of Military Action Against ISIS counter on your website, blog, etc, follow these simple instructions: 1) Add the following javascript to your page: Add the following code wherever you want the counter to show up: NOTE: This doesn't need to be a <div>.

A Note About Style We've intentionally left out any styles for this embeddable counter, instead leaving it up to you to provide styles consistent with the look of your site. <div id="npp-widget-cost-military-action-against-isis" class="npp-widget"><h3 class="npp-widget-title"> Cost of Military Action Against ISIS </h3><p class="npp-widget-summary"> Every <span> hr(s)</span>, taxpayers in <span></span> are paying <span>$###</span> for <span>Cost of Military Action Against ISIS</span>. This counter displays the estimated cost, since June 16, 2014, of military operations against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL), in nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) dollars. American Deception. Bob Renner - Timeline Photos. BLACK SUN Redux. American Presidential Bloodlines. Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office?

34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election. “This information comes from Burke's Peerage, which is the Bible of aristocratic genealogy, based in London. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Clinton, 33 have been related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of France. So it goes on: 19 of them are related to England's Edward III, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with the banking families in America.

In 2004 George W. Neanderthals. Bob Renner - Timeline Photos.