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Quo Warranto. The De Facto Corporate fraud called THE UNITED STATES, INC. 10 George Orwell Quotes that Predicted Life in 2014 America. Justin King (ANTIMEDIA) George Orwell ranks among the most profound social critics of the modern era. Some of his quotations, more than a half a century old, show the depth of understanding an enlightened mind can have about the future. “In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.”

Though many in the modern age have the will to bury their head in the sand when it comes to political matters, nobody can only concern themselves with the proverbial pebble in their shoe. “All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” Examining the nightly news in the run up to almost any military intervention will find scores of talking heads crying for blood to flow in the streets of some city the name of which they just learned to pronounce.

“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. AMERICA WILL COLLAPSE BY 2016. Home. AMERICA HAS FALLEN OFF THE CLIFF. WATCH: Illegal Aliens Claim Billions in Fraudulent Tax Credits Every Year; IRS Knows and ALLOWS It. By Brian Hayes | Top Right News Whew. You finally got your taxes done. Well consider this… Illegal aliens across America are committing fraud by filing tax returns with an IRS “ITIN” number, and listing children as dependents who live in MEXICO — or who do not even exist at all.

This fraud is costing taxpayers an insane $4.2 BILLION every year. In addition, many of these are felony crimes. Worst of all your Federal government knows all ab0ut it — yet does nothing to stop it. Once again it seems illegal aliens have more rights than you do. WATCH — and then SHARE the truth using the links above: As you consider the insanity of this, you are probably wondering why the Congress has not immediately stopped this outrage once it came to light. Some have tried. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid killed the vote on Sessions’ amendment, and then worked out a deal with GOP leader Mitch McConnell to leave the veterans’ cuts — and the illegal aliens’ tax bonanza — in place. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time. North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into eastern waters: Japan.