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Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment. CIBRA - Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics - University of Pavia. Opération Cétacés. Site de Claire Piché, Ambiophoniste - Éducation - audiodescription. Welcome to Interspecies Homepage. The Cove Movie: Welcome. Sea Shepherd FR. MRes in Marine Mammal Science: Overview. Whether because of their sheer size, complicated behaviour, social structures, historic persecution or simply due to their taxonomic closeness to humans, marine mammals in particular have come to symbolise issues in marine ecology. Conservation of endangered marine mammal species and management of marine populations, especially those interacting with the human food chain, often have prominent positions in the news, and in the attentions of both governmental and non-governmental agencies.

The need to know more about the lives and behaviours of marine mammals, driven by many agendas, coincides with a period in which improving technology is making it increasingly possible for us to probe the marine environment, and learn more about its inhabitants. As a result, the rapidly developing, and highly topical, discipline of marine mammal science is an area in which many excellent biology graduates seek to conduct research. It is, first and foremost, a course in quantitative marine ecology. SMRU. Home page of the International Whaling Commission. Le Grec - Groupe de recherche sur les cétacés. CIRCE - Conservation, Information & Research on Cetaceans. Society for Marine Mammalogy - Home.