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Justice/ Sustainability Documentaries. Marine Life. Media sites. THE WALKING SITE. Food & Gardening. Nature. The Day After Tomorrow. Environnement.

Bob The Trooper

Time To ACT! Bob See Future Threats. Impacts. Pollution OZONE & Global Warming. Green Resources. Animal & Animal Rights Protection. Oil Catastrophe. Environment4all. Life. Which Modernization for China. Which Modernization for China?

Which Modernization for China

Andrew Feenberg With 4.5% of world population the United States consumes 25% of world resources. It also emits a corresponding percentage of world pollution. This is the result of several centuries of industrial development in the world’s most dynamic economy. China still trails far behind in total wealth. But China is catching up. The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Go Hungry.

Inequity and politics, not food shortages, were at the root of almost all famines in the 20th century.

The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Go Hungry

To alleviate hunger, we must reallocate the resources of our world into the hands of people who need them most, write Sharon Astyk and Aaron Newton. 20th August 2010 - Published by Utne Reader What is the most common cause of hunger in the world? Is it drought? Flood? Top 10 Countries with the Richest People in the World. World Hunger: A Moral Response. World Hunger: A Moral Response By Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez Between now and tomorrow morning, 40,000 children will starve to death.

World Hunger: A Moral Response

The day after tomorrow, 40,000 more children will die, and so on throughout 1992. The State of Consumption Today. The Rise and Spread of the Consumer Class “By virtually any measure—household expenditures, number of consumers, extraction of raw materials—consumption of goods and services has risen steadily in industrial nations for decades, and it is growing rapidly in many developing countries.”

The State of Consumption Today

By one calculation, there are now more than 1.7 billion members of “the consumer class”—nearly half of them in the developing world. The Day of 6 Billion - Fast Facts. The world’s population reached 6 billion around 12 October 1999.

The Day of 6 Billion - Fast Facts

It has doubled since 1960. And it is still increasing rapidly—by 77 million a year—and may grow to 9 billion or more by 2050. The Threat of Population Growth Pales Beside the Greed of the Rich. January 30, 2008 | Like this article?

The Threat of Population Growth Pales Beside the Greed of the Rich

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. I cannot avoid the subject any longer. The World Economy. Green. Energy. Green energy. New Energy. Biomass. Sustainability. Sustainable Energy Blog. Sustainability tech and thinking. Fracking. Fracking in USA. Fracking Pollution: Wells Found Contaminated Near Bradford County, Pennsylvania Natural Gas Blowout. ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Testing conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency revealed contamination in three private water wells located near an April blowout at a natural gas drilling site.

Fracking Pollution: Wells Found Contaminated Near Bradford County, Pennsylvania Natural Gas Blowout

The EPA took water samples from seven private water wells near the Chesapeake Energy Corp. drilling site outside Canton in northeastern Pennsylvania's Bradford County, agency spokesman Roy Seneca said Friday. Tar Sands Oil’s Devastating Legacy « TexasVox: The Voice of Public Citizen in Texas. 11 Million Litres a Day: The Tar Sands' Leaking Legacy. Tailings, A Lasting Oil Sands Legacy. Environmental Defence. We all value clean, fresh water.

Environmental Defence

We drink it. Canada's oil sands a massive disaster: green group. ‪Tar Sands Mine Action - Greenpeace‬‏ ‪Stop Toxic Tar Sands Oil‬‏ Trees Killed by Natural Gas Fracking Fluid. Natural gas drilling could put trees at risk, a new study shows.

Trees Killed by Natural Gas Fracking Fluid

RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The fossil fuel industry and many politicians are hailing natural gas as America's answer to its domestic energy needs. The problem is, as drilling takes hold across the country—both conventional and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking—independent scientists are finding major threats to human and environmental health. In the latest evidence that natural gas drilling poses serious risks, scientists with USDA Forest Service in West Virginia found that drilling fluid applied to forest land flat-out kills trees and vegetation. Dangers of fracking go beyond poisoned water supplies and earthquakes. It's called hydraulic fracturing or fracking, and some herald it as the future of clean, safe energy from natural gas.

Dangers of fracking go beyond poisoned water supplies and earthquakes

But from Pennsylvania to West Virginia to Arkansas, residents are seeing earthquakes, poisoned water courses and contaminated drinking water. So as this massively expanding industry gears up to pump out gas, from deeply buried muds and shales, those local concerns have states, such as New York's, introducing moratoriums. But beyond those immediate problems looms a larger issue - is fracking just a way for us to continue with our fossil-fuel fix, and so dodge the rapid switch to renewables that the planet's climate needs so badly?

Fracking dangers can include methane leaks, exploding homesFracking dangers can include methane leaks, exploding homes. To the Editor: A lot of information about hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is appearing in Ohio media, and it seems to be mostly negative. Following is some disturbing information about one of many contaminants that can result from the practice. In 2007 faulty casing in a fracking operation allowed dangerous levels of methane to permeate an aquifer causing a house to explode near Bainbridge, Ohio. In 2008 a house explosion was narrowly averted and water in 46 wells was contaminated. NY Times on natural gas fracking: "The dangers to the environment and health are greater than previously understood."

By Joe Romm on February 27, 2011 at 4:50 pm "NY Times on natural gas fracking: “The dangers to the environment and health are greater than previously understood.” " American Petroleum Institute apparently fine with dumping cancer-causing radioactive waste off Louisiana coast. Fracking: The Dangers.

Fracking uses a toxic chemical cocktail known as fracking fluid. Companies using fracking fluid have resisted disclosing the contents of fracking fluid, claiming the information is proprietary. However, samples from well sites indicate that the fluid contains: formaldehyde, acetic acids, citric acids, and boric acids, among hundreds of other contaminants. It has recently come to light that, despite the illegality of the action, companies have been caught using diesel fuel in the fracking fluid .

Fracking removes millions of gallons of precious freshwater from the water cycle. Each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally-sourced freshwater which will be permanently contaminated by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals contained in the fracking fluid. Fracking should frighten us, despite the industry platitudes that paper over its dangers. October 21, 2011 Commentator Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr.'s arguments in favor of shale oil drilling are deeply flawed ("Fracking: Don't let fear hold us back," Oct. 12).

After a summer of record flooding, we are entitled to a healthy fear of what gets flushed from old wells, industrial sites and waste water holding pits.