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Digital Citizenship

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What Does Digital Citizenship Mean to You? Resources. Netiquette online. Information slideshow. Protecting Reputations Online. In the past, doing something embarrassing wasn't a big deal.

Protecting Reputations Online

It happened, and then people moved on. But now that things can be shared on the Web immediately, those embarrassing moments can last forever and impact your reputation and those of your friends. Let's talk about what happens on the Web. Playing and Staying Safe online. Digital Citizenship. Fostering Digital Citizenship « Technology and the Common Core. I recently returned from the CAL-ED Annual Conference for Parents, Interpreters, Teachers and Administrators.

Fostering Digital Citizenship « Technology and the Common Core

I presented on Fostering Digital Citizenship. The goal of this workshop was to provide a basic understanding of Digital Citizenship as well as resources and ideas for application in the classroom (and at home). The second half of the workshop, participants walked through 6 stations focusing on Digital Citizenship topics including Digital Life 101 (9 Elements of Digital Citizenship), My Digital Footprint (online ethics), Do You Really Know Who You are Talking To? (safety and security), Cyberbullying, Who’s Is That Anyway?

Smartgoals - Westview SMART Goals. Your Digital Presence. Digital Citizenship Curriculum. K-12 Digital Literacy & Citizenship Curriculum. Digital Citizenship - Teacher Applications. Shifting from Cyber-Bully to Digital-Citizen by Ben Jones on Prezi. Tagged. Home: Cybersmart. Department of Communications.