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The largest Last Supper: depictions of food portions and plate size increased over the millennium. Can’t always get what you want? Don’t worry | Life and style. The first time I went on a silent meditation retreat, a few years back, I was terrified the experience might prove impossible to endure. The last time I went, the other week, I faced a different problem: I was pretty sure it would be deeply enjoyable and refreshing. You might be wondering why that counts as a problem. Here’s why. It was on the evening of Day One, watching the sun sink below the horizon, savouring the stillness in the air, that a thought first occurred: “Damn it, only a few more days of this, and it’ll be time to leave!” According to a cheesy old saying, there are two ways to be unhappy. One is not getting what you want. I was in a good location to be entertaining such thoughts, since this insight is most commonly attributed to Buddhism, and meditation can help. Clearly, the problem here isn’t really with the specific things you want but don’t yet have.

According to some hardcore Buddhists, the answer is to transcend desires entirely. Detoxifierea şi păcatul originar. O reclamă îmi sare pe ecran: Fericire prin detoxifiere! Parcă ar fi beatitudinea despre care vorbea Sfîntul Augustin… – îmi trece mie, livresc, prin minte. N-am timp însă nici să zîmbesc la această analogie că o doamnă cu un morcov în mînă mă apostrofează, bănuitor, din altă reclamă: Astăzi ţi-ai făcut cura de detoxifiere? Mă simt vinovat şi închid calculatorul. Dar vinovat am început să mă simt şi pe la tot felul de mese cînd eu (încă) mai mănînc cu poftă şi comentez dacă mîncarea e bună, în timp ce toţi ceilalţi se îngrijorează dacă face bine.

Bine pentru corpul lor. Îmi aduc aminte de cuvintele vizionarului Baudrillard, scrise acum aproape o jumătate de veac: „Timp de secole, a existat o străduinţă de a convinge oamenii că nu aveau (un corp, n.n.); astăzi există obstinarea sistematică de a-i convinge de corpul lor. Încă din zorii modernităţii, omul a refuzat să se mai considere o creaţie (a lui Dumnezeu), pentru a se impune ca un proiect (al său). MOOCs - Alle Kurse. Child of Light - Aurora's Theme (Piano) Gandind (non)stiintific in psihologie cu cine te insotești ca sa-ti spun cine esti? | gandind (non)stiintific in psihologie. Reiau in acest text o teorie (cu rang de dogmă) de care multi parinti si educatori, dar și psihologi, sunt atașați. Teoria e că parintii influentează personalitatea copiilor.

Pot fi redundant (si neinteresant), dar inclin sa cred ca cititorii mai noi ar fi curiosi vizavi de aceasta teorie psihologica controversată. Personalitatea e un set de gânduri, de reacții emoționale și comportamentale care tinde să fie stabil de-a lungul timpului și în contexte variate. (pls, keep it in your mind) Copiii din toată lumea invata cum să se comporte de la prietenii lor. Copiii si adolescentii isi compară atuurile și slăbiciunile intre ei. O cercetătoare independentă, Judith R. Băbăciunea septuagenară Judith Harris crede că egalii au cea mai cu greutate influenta in privinta socializarii. Dacă nu ne incredem (și ar fi de dorit, pentru că, altfel, toate psihoterapiile care cauta cauzele ”psihice” prin relatiile cu parintii ajung inutile, adică la pubelă!)

[i] Harris, J. [ii] Brown, B. Poems To Live By. Poems & Prose To Live By The following are some of the many poems I often use in the work I do with groups. I think of these as "teaching poems" in that I have learned a great deal from them and weave them into many of the retreats and workshops I lead. For many years I have chosen a poem a year to learn by heart and return to as the year passes. The process of learning and returning again and again to the same poem has acted as a mirror of sorts and has deepened my appreciation and understanding of myself and the poem.

A good poem suggest possibilities of how I might perceive and engage with the myself, the world, and the many relationships that sustain us. The process of tracking and stalking "new" poems is an adventure. Always, More to Come... "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. . ~ From Dead Poet's Society spoken by the character played by Robin Williams. What to Remember When Waking, by David Whyte. So imagine when you wake. Instead of relying on the alarm clock to frighten the more secret honest world away, begin to wake naturally by connecting to the biological circadian rhythm, especially in the first few moments of the very grey light of the northern hemispheric winter day off.

There is this glorious sense of gratefulness upon waking. After a night of sleep, for most of us, we can wake slowly and become aware, albeit fleetingly, in that suspended state of wonder and thrill, hopefully within a cozy safe now physical space. Dr. Deepak Chopra has been quoted “Either you're a person wondering if you have a soul, or you're a soul who knows that being a person isn't real.” So imagine when you wake. Dr. I appreciate the phrase “To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.” Hide full comment. Mark Williams on Mindfulness.