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Which Naturals Are Backed By Serious Science? | Health on GOOD. Beauty Binge | Makeup how to\'s, product reviews and expert beauty advice from a shameless beauty addict and spa slut. What is your acne telling you? 25 HairStyle TUTORIALS & EXTRAS. Looking GOOD! With the holidays also come a bunch of parties!

Some of them are just family gatherings, some other ones are work related and some are hosted by great friends. Whatever the occasion is I think we ladies deserve to look good, regardless of our age, size or taste. So I put together for today’s Sunday Best 25 tutorials of hair-styles and some few other EXTRAS for inspiration! The Messy Side Updo. What I like about this hair is that you can wear it casually or dress it up with some cute hair pieces for a more formal look.

I love it! Tutorial The Gibson Tuck Elegant, simple, chic… perfection! Her beautiful hair makes me want to color mine… I love the red! Tutorial EXTRA: Greenlicious! I thought it would be fun to throw in this list some eye makeup tutorials also. This color palette is perfect for the Holidays! It would look great with brown eyes also… How do I know? I have done it! Tutorial The Side Chignon You La La! So pretty and romantic! Tutorial Side Knot Two minutes and you look fabulous! 8 Ways to Defeat Persistent Unwanted Thoughts. Repressing thoughts doesn’t work so here are 8 ways to get rid of negative thoughts. It’s one of the irritations of having a mind that sometimes it’s hard to get rid of negative thoughts. It could be a mistake at work, money worries or perhaps a nameless fear. Whatever the anxiety, fear or worry, it can prove very difficult to control. The most intuitive method to get rid of negative thoughts is trying to suppress them by pushing it out of our minds.

Unfortunately, as many studies have shown, thought suppression doesn’t work. So, what alternatives exist to get rid of negative thoughts we’d rather not have going around in our heads? In an article for American Psychologist, the expert on thought suppression, Daniel Wegner, explains some potential methods to get rid of negative thoughts (Wegner, 2011). 1. The natural tendency when trying to get your mind off, say, a social gaff you made, is to try and think about something else: to distract yourself. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The disclaimer. (INFOGRAPHIC) 10 Tips for Healthy Winter Skin - Skin Care. How to Get Whiter Teeth - Handmade Wedding. Happy Tuesday! Question: what goes well with a white wedding dress? Whiter teeth, of course! Today we’re sharing one of the most sought after beauty secrets: how to get whiter teeth. Everyone wants a whiter, brighter, aisle-ready smile and today we’re going to show you how to get it!

Read on to find out how to get whiter teeth just in time for your wedding day… photo by our labor of love p.s. happy brides make us happy, too! How to Get Whiter Teeth Ready to learn how to get whiter teeth and a brighter smile? Photo by saab photography via munaluchi bridal 1. Coffee, cola, chocolate, tea, and red wine are just a few things that contribute to a yellowing smile. 2. According to Dr. 3. Never in a million years would I have grown to love baking soda so much. 4. Bold reds, oranges, or cool shades of lipstick tend to bring out the yellow in your teeth, even if your teeth are already stunningly white. 5. 6.

Make sure your toothpaste and mouthwash are both formulated for a whiter smile. 7. 8. Two for One: Unconventional Tricks for Your Makeup. What Your Skin Says About Your Health | 10 Things Your Skin Tells You. If skin were merely a sausage casing for the rest of you, it wouldn't be nearly so useful. An organ itself (your body's largest in terms of both weight and surface area), skin protects against invasive bacteria, regulates body temperature, and picks up information from the stimulation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, and cold. Little wonder, then, that when there's something wrong with you on the inside, your skin sometimes sends up the first warning flare. "Diabetes, for example, is generally a silent disease, but it can lead to distinct changes to the skin. So the skin may in fact be the first indicator of what's happening," notes dermatologist Amy Newburger, MD, of Scarsdale, New York, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology.

Here's the skinny on ten dermatologic oddities worth watching for in yourself or someone you love. More clues: The skin of someone with hypothyroidism also tends to be dry and cold, and sometimes more pale than yellowed. Medical Information, Forums and Communities.