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Summer Schools in Europe - Directory of summer courses. XIV International Berlin Seminar 2013. XIV International Berlin Seminar 2013 Friday, April 26th to Monday, 29th 2013 Dear fellow Europeans! JEF Germany is very proud to announce that the 'XIV. International Berlinseminar' will take place from Friday, 26 April till Monday, 29 April 2013 in Berlin. The current political and economic circumstances should encourage us more than ever to proceed thinking Europe’s future ahead.

Hence, we want to and must continue being creative, develop our thoughts further and take our enthusiastic and idealistic or even utopian visions of Europe to the next level. This year we will be holding on to our formats from last year: World-Café and Zukunftswerkstatt, discussing several different topics, such as economy, foreign policy, European media, social policy, global resources etc.

World-Café is a very interactive method and encourages direct engagement in a topic together with a small group of participants together and an expert. Also join our facebook event. Minors form. Home. »kulturweit« - Startseite - Der Freiwilligendienst des Auswärtigen Amts. Migration-Culture-Identity - Kreisau-Initiative Berlin e.V. When: 6th to 12th May 2011 Where: Berlin (Germany), Wrocław & Krzyżowa (Poland) Who: politically and socially active people at the age between 19 and 29 from Poland, Germany, Israel and Turkey Project25 young active people from Poland, Germany, Israel and Turkey at the age of 19 - 29 met from 6th to 12th May 2011 in Germany and Poland in order to discuss and reflect upon the meaning of migration for the life of their countries, communities and themselves.

As a result they worked out micro-projects stimulating sensitivity to migration issues and positive understanding of diversity on the local level and became disseminators. Implementation of the micro-projects was supported by the project coordinator financially and organizationally. The micro-projects were implemented by the seminar participants in: Berlin, Wrocław, Krzyżowa, Holon, Eskişehir. Check here for the seminar agenda.

Project partners More information on: Europäisches Jugendparlament in Deutschland e.V. (EYP) European Youth Parliament - Parlement Européen des Jeunes.