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100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body. The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy.

100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body

There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Brain Explorer. How the brain strings words into sentences. Distinct neural pathways are important for different aspects of language processing, researchers have discovered, studying patients with language impairments caused by neurodegenerative diseases.

How the brain strings words into sentences

While it has long been recognized that certain areas in the brain's left hemisphere enable us to understand and produce language, scientists are still figuring out exactly how those areas divvy up the highly complex processes necessary to comprehend and produce language. Advances in brain imaging made within the last 10 years have revealed that highly complex cognitive tasks such as language processing rely not only on particular regions of the cerebral cortex, but also on the white matter fiber pathways that connect them.

Two brain areas called Broca's region and Wernicke's region serve as the main computing hubs underlying language processing, with dense bundles of nerve fibers linking the two, much like fiber optic cables connecting computer servers.
